Fighting the Good Fight and Tips on How to Protect Yourself from Negative Entities

Courageous Blond Warrior Woman in full armor faces her foe, a Black Dragon with fiery red eyes.
We Lightworkers and People of the Light must face our darkest fears and challenges in this life which is represented by this fiery, fire-breathing Black Dragon! Artwork generated by

Last night, I was scrolling through some chat rooms in Reddit, that website which is the repository of so much information provided by thousands of people to others who have “both standard and unusual questions in their mind” which are not provided by Google and other traditional search engines.

Well, as I was leisurely and randomly going through one chatroom which was a forum for everyone to post their gripes on, I read the contribution of what I believe was a lady who was announcing that this was going to be her “last December” on this earth.

The way she put it across to her audience – her decision to end her life, meaning commit suicide perhaps, — was so matter-of-fact and nonchalant so much so that readers of her post started sending her words of encouragement to “hang on” or “look at the brighter things in life” and strive for them.

But what I was surprised also was at least 3 to 4 people in that chat room did admit that they also want to end their own lives same as her because they didn’t have anything or anyone to live for ☹. Part of the reason also is the current dismal state of things in the world now which just drives some people to a feeling of hopelessness of their situation.

It is quite sad to read about these things, especially with the two ongoing wars in separate parts of the world, and how these wars are also affecting global economies which led to massive hunger, the loss of jobs that feed and sustain people, and perhaps, for the Christian and Catholic religions, the loss of faith in their religions because their GODS have forsaken them, among others ☹.

Or the END OF THE WORLD is near (a big chuckle from me 😉!)!

Fighting the Good Fight and How to Protect or Arm Oneself!

I do not hold judgment against people who decide to end their lives at this point in time. I do can empathize with their situations and their decisions to pass away soon, if ever.

When I incarnated into this 3D world of Earth in this lifetime, I carried with me the memories – and instructions – of trying to help 3D humans to realize that they “carry the spark of the Divine” within themselves. But this spark is sometimes not realized by many because of the “negative programming” we receive since birth – and continue to receive until now from The Powers that Be (TPTB), such as the Reptilians and their henchmen, the Illuminati, among others.

Without going too deep into the causes of existence of The Reptilians – or Lizzies, as we fondly call them, — and their continuous efforts to bring down the frequencies of the world’s population today, I would rather remind people that “we do carry the Divine Spark”, that “Light within us” that continue to illuminate our way forward to ultimate freedom from the Dark Ones.

I know the way is hard and difficult and fraught with pitfalls. So here are a few tips I use to help us “move on to the light” and cease to walk on eggshells every time:

* Remind oneself of one’s “inner light” by walking in nature periodically.

Does everyday life seem to send you up a wall sometimes? Like your neighbor playing karaoke as early as 7 am almost every day while you attempt to beat that writing deadline ☹?

Take a break and start walking in nature. So, if you live near a forest or woody grove, just trek or walk to that place and immerse yourself in nature for at least 20-30 minutes. And while there, try to soak up the atmosphere. Take 10 deep breaths of air and empty your mind of worries by listening to the birds or watch the butterflies flitting by.

You’ll thank me for it 😉!

* Listen to mystic, author, and self-empowerment guru Inelia Benz’s “Firewall Processing Exercise” to clear all your negative blockages away, and eradicate your heebie-jeebies.

This certainly is not the most typical way to strengthen one’s resolve to survive every day challenges. But let’s just say that it works to strengthen your auric shield against those negative entities that try to torture you daily by inserting negative thoughts and behaviors in you 😉!

Listen and follow this short exercise here: Firewall Processing Exercise (

* Clean or Dissipate the Bad Energies from a Room

It is said that all living – and non-living things – possess energy. This energy they carry with them, for instance in the case of humans, and they leave them behind as well in all of the places that they go and visit – well, most of the time 😉.

So, if your room feels kinda stuffy and the air seems pretty stale, dead, and dark – chances are that there has been too much “negative energy” already circulating in that room. Hence, we need to clear the room of negative energies 😉.

For all we know, these negative energies could have been brought to this room by ourself – from places that we’ve been to, such as hospitals, funeral homes and wakes, cemeteries, a bread line, disaster centers, morgues, a scene of a crime such as a massacre or shooting, jails, haunted houses and buildings, etc. I am not saying that these places are just full of bogeys and ghouls, and the stuff that makes up nightmares. What I’m saying is that out of 10 people that might have visited these places, about almost half or one-third of that group might be carrying negative energies they might have left behind or taken with them.

Even in the art and science of feng shui or “the way of wind and water”, certain places – including parts of a room – are harbingers or potential repositories of negative energy. Hence, it is important that we rid these places or corners of all these bad vibes 😉.

If you’d like to know more about how humans, places, and even inanimate items harbor negative energy and how you can remove those neg energies, just watch this video over here: 3 Ways to Remove Negative Energies From Your Home | Sadhguru | Shemaroo Spiritual Life ( .

Now, we can always “clean” the negative energies from a place. Here is a video that shows how mystic Inelia Benz clears the negative energies from a room: Inelia Benz – Energy Cleaning Your Room ( .

* Clean yourself of Negative Energies

I have previously written about certain herbs and plants that are popularly and effectively used to rid one’s physical and etheric body of negative energies and vibes that one could have picked up from these places I mentioned above. You can check that blog post here: My Fav Herbs and Plants Which Help in Psychic Protection including Repelling Ghosts and Other Negative Entities – shamana in the making ( .

Now, out of that plethora of plants and herbs I had painstakingly explained before, I am going to name a few that I’ve been using effectively for over a decade to rid my physical and etheric body of negative vibes or energies, sometimes also acquired from negatively-inclined and negatively-focused people:

  • Salt (sea salt preferably and largely unprocessed; also, pink salt otherwise known as Himalayan salt)
  • Pepper (black or white; ground or whole peppercorns)
  • Red chili (dried and ground-up)
  • Sandalwood incense
  • Bay or laurel leaves (dried)

So, my first go-to concoction for removing any negative energies – or negative entities – from my physical and etheric body is the “salt bath”.

The salt bath is usually made from very raw, unprocessed salt – the kind that they scrape off from the sea and use for cleaning fresh fish. Untouched by human hands, you add this salt to a dipper of water and pour over yourself after you have soaped and showered.

To make this more effective, add pepper or peppercorns to your salt concoction – or red chili flakes (although this might feel a bit “spicy” on your skin)  ̶  and use this as part of your bath. Let the salt bath soak into your body for at least 2-3 minutes, then wash off the concoction.

You can also light sandalwood incense, either in stick form or in cones or burned over a piece of wood to remove the neg vibes. Just pass the incense over your body and the rest you can smudge the room or house you are living or working in.

Like in the video of Inelia Benz clearing a room, this sandalwood incense can immediately dissipate any “sticky negative energy” that you might have been feeling all along.

An alternative to sandalwood incense is bay leaves or laurel leaves. To remove any offending energies around your persona, just mix the laurel leaves (choose the ones without any blemishes or cracks) with some cloves and mustard seeds (or mustard oil). Burn the laurel leaves in a small bowl or container with the rest of the concoction, and let the smoke waft through the more important parts of your room.

* Create Protective Shields around your Persona and Living Space

One other technique to protect your space – and room – from negative vibes and energies is to prepare this concoction. Combine a few laurel leaves, black or white pepper, a few cloves, and mustard seeds into a small bowl. You can use salt or even some pure coconut oil as a base for these herbs.

Make a few of these bowls of herbs and place beside your window/s as well as one near or beside your front or main door.

These bowls are mighty powerful in driving away any negative spirits, entities or energies from occupying or encroaching your room or space.

By integrating these practices into your daily life, you can cultivate resilience and fortitude in the face of adversity. Remember, you are not alone in your journey. Reach out for support when needed, and trust in the inherent strength of your divine spark to guide you towards a brighter tomorrow.

I hope you’ve been able to learn something useful from my tips. Let me know if they worked for you – or if you have further questions regarding these.

Namaste and look forward to your comments 😉!

We are NOT Doing Enough to Heal or Raise the Frequency of the Planet!

Red-haired lady with her back turned to the audience looks over mountains where she will travel and explore one day.
A whole new exciting world is for you to explore Lightworker! Don’t forget to fulfill your mission!

On most days, I go about my business with a fog-like memory. Have breakfast, wash some clothes in the morning and hang them to dry, sometimes in the rain; wash the dishes, open laptop to check the news – mostly about the weather and the state of unrest and destruction in the Middle East. Get down to writing, eat lunch, sleep a little for a siesta, write again some, take a bath, go to the middle of town to have a late but heavy lunch, buy some veggies in the market and bread for breakfast the next day, come home, do a little writing and checking of the news online again, cook a simple evening meal which could be a veggie casserole dish mixed with sardines or corned beef, watch a movie or two (sometimes about conspiracy theories or an analysis of the state of the world, or an impending pandemic — again! – on YouTube), and finally, sleep (usually in the early morning hours).

I didn’t realize that part of the depression I was feeling – which I couldn’t realize or grasp as a depression or a mild depression – was myself reacting to this thought: that the world was sliding down into an oblivion of despair, sadness, utmost confusion over what is happening with the world and one’s place in that descending state of helplessness and destruction of the once pristine planet we call “Home”☹.

We sometimes wonder if all those blog posts we churned out in the past almost eight years were enough to wake and educate the sleeping population to galvanize and help raise the frequency of the planet and its residents.

But, as my higher dimensional guides have been advising me since this mission of mine started, we need to find and awaken the Other Members of Our Tribe to help raise the sleeping population to be more cognizant of their role in our current 3RD dimensional world, and understand the “true nature of reality” – that we live in The Matrix and need to rescue ourselves from the “false illusion of reality” that we are subjected to every single day.

If I may be so bold to say once more, that illusion of reality is “full of strife, difficulties, anger, despair, hopelessness, and sadness” – one that we certainly don’t want to face on a daily basis ☹!

Some Reasons why Lightworkers Fail to Galvanize their Ranks

  • Persecution from the Dark Ones

A lot of lightworkers have never or refrain from mentioning the “Dangers of Being a Lightworker”. I don’t think I have ever come across a written piece stating that a lightworker was persecuted for being just themselves – that is, someone who has incarnated in this lifetime to help people become better versions of themselves, sometimes utilizing extrasensory faculties and abilities bordering on the spiritual, esoteric, and the paranormal.

The persecution can come in many forms, such as:

* Physically palpable psychic attacks in the form of malevolent diseases and energy-based attacks such as sudden migraines, skin rashes that come out of nowhere, nightmares, your heart stopping for no apparent reason, etc.

* Hexes and curses sent your way

* Unusual animal behavior such as black dogs with red eyes and large birds constantly chirping and visiting you at night.

* Shadow people and other cryptids visiting victims at night or while asleep at night.

* Alien visitations and abductions

* The phenomenon of becoming a “Targeted Individual (TI)” – more on that in another blog post!

  • Fear of Ridicule

Who would want to be ridiculed by your peers, friends, colleagues, — even your own family members if you start talking about your lightworker mission and the shit you have to put up with to execute it ☹? Or even if you attempt to describe to them what you see, hear, and experience – like conversing with your benevolent guides in the most unimaginable places or times, or even when you see the dark entities that visit and try to attack you at night :O?!

You don’t have to convince them to believe you. But just the thought of relating your paranormal experiences to them is a challenge by itself ☹.

What to Do in This Situation

Tip #1: Keep everything to yourself.

My shaman mentor Rhianna once taught me that one should keep the most important things about one’s goals, destinies, and hopes and fears to oneself only until they become true. What she meant was for me to be “more discerning” to whom I share this information.

The reason for this extra cautiousness is that not all people can understand our most important goals and plans. Saving the world by being a lightworker might not be a practical solution to some people, even though they are your family members or even your best and closest friend/s.

For instance, when I announced to my family that I will leave corporate life and just retire to the mountains to follow my mission, they thought I was just doing these things to escape family responsibility – which was really far from the truth ☹! My dad was also sick at that time, but I just couldn’t throw all my entire life to the winds and be beside him all the time, even though this was traditionally expected of me and every son and daughter in the family in our little country.

So yes, I left home with a very heavy and sad heart ☹. But I just couldn’t leave my mission behind even though the only thing I wanted to do was stay beside my father ☹!

Tip #2: Meditate and Ask your Higher Dimensional Guides and Spirits for Wisdom & Protection

Okay, so you already figured out which of your darkest and most important secrets have to be kept nearest your heart 😉. Well, what to do next or what path to take in your lightworking journey 😉?

Might as well talk to your spiritual guides 😉! Going into meditation is an easier way to contact and converse with your guides, so I would suggest learning and engaging in this.

Here is a video with a simple explanation of meditation and how to go about doing it:  BEGINNER’S GUIDE TO MEDITATION » for a positive & productive day (part 1) (

Mindfulness Meditation for Beginners (Jason Stephenson) (

Tip #3: Join a Lightworker or Spiritual Group

Sometimes, you can feel better if you join a “spiritual or lightworker group” so you can compare notes and tips on how to proceed on your lightworking journey. This will greatly help those who feel “so alone” and sometimes “clueless” on how to go about their mission or journey.

Believe me, I have been through this road several times, and it does help if one has someone “human” and “physically present” in this 3D world to talk to as well. He/She doesn’t have to be a lightworker but definitely someone spiritual, level-headed, logical, emotionally mature, and most especially, empathetic and open-minded to listen and understand what you’re going through and give or share the necessary advice to your problem😉!

Tip #4: Always use your “Gut Feel” – Popularly known as Intuition – to Proceed with your Mission.

Nothing beats one’s intuition when you are beset with a dilemma or a problem on how to proceed with a task or how to come to a wise decision 😉. Go to a quiet place, meditate, and think over your planned decision or course of action. It is good to be logical and level-headed about it. But do use caution and your gut feel to come to a satisfying and logical conclusion that you will not regret later.

I hope these practical tips will be of use to you in your journey. Remember that as a lightworker, one must continue to strive to help others understand their purpose and reason for being in this world – and act upon it 😉!

I hope that you know that you are special, and that the light each one of us carry will bring us out of the quagmire that we are in 😊. Peace be with you and may your heart find the strength, love, abundance, and serenity that everyone is looking and hoping for 😊!

A Love Story to Remember!

A young girl lying on wild flowers in a meadow is so blissfully content in her existence.
All of us can be eternally grateful for what we are and what we have. Peace to everyone and more happiness to you!

Sorry for being not active for the past few months ☹! Went through a lot of emotional and mental angst lately (as if it was something new 😉!).

A lot of us have been through a lot lately – even those who are just observers on the sidelines of debilitating wars happening across the world, and the effects of natural calamities not only to our families but countries’ economies and societies as well.

To a lightworker, it is sometimes kinda depressing to view all the suffering ongoing in our time NOW when we all know that a lot of the time, these suffering we experience or observe are “human-generated”.

It is hard “not to feel involved” as a lightworker – and most especially if you’re born an empath like me (we personally feel more the pain and suffering of others than the ordinary human ☹).

So this is what I’d like to say: “Whatever is troubling you now, whatever you are experiencing now – whether that is pain and suffering over what is happening to you now, or sorrow over the plight of the less unfortunate half a world away, do remember that YOU ARE STILL LOVED, and that YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

Stop for a moment your overthinking and listen to soft, slow, and serene music (choose the one that generates alpha or theta waves (there are many on YouTube).

Say this to yourself every day (can be done several times a day): “You are a child of the Universe, and as long as you love yourself, as long as you appreciate and are grateful for the wondrous things you receive and continue to receive each day, you will never go down the path of the destitute and afflicted, and will always have family and friends to help you through hard times 😉!”.

And that statement I wholeheartedly believe based on my personal experiences 😉!

Love Your Neighbor & Eliminate Your Fear — a Reaction to the 2023 Israel vs. Palestine War!

Two hands reach for each other in front of the Jewish Holocaust Memorial in Berlin
“Love is all there is. There is nothing to fear!” In these trying times we should love our enemy, and strive to eliminate any fear in our persona. Photo of the Jewish Holocaust Memorial in Berlin courtesy of Toa Heftiba on Unsplash.

It is TIME!

It is TIME we open our minds to the reality that we are DIVINE BEINGS created by ONE SOURCE to help raise the consciousness and frequency of the planet to 5D status.

It is imperative that we wake up and realize that the only way we can “Save the planet” and us from utter destruction is through “LOVE and the Elimination of Fear”.


– Shamana in the Making


It has been quite a while since I last posted on my blog here 😉. So, to give you some background, it is currently October 16, 2023 today on the island 😊.

We are 3 ½ years past the pandemic and should be on our way to economic and social recovery.

However and as everyone is aware now, a war broke out between Ukraine and Russia sometime 1st quarter last year, plunging almost the whole world into utter economic and political chaos.

Still trying to recover from the grips of that economic and political fiasco, we are now plunged into another war – with our neighbors in the Middle East. Palestine through its terrorist group Hamas, had surprisingly attacked Israel, its long-term enemy and neighbor, with bombs and continuous gunfire at the Gaza strip border between the 2 countries.

As the world watches the carnage occurring between these 2 countries with the help of the traditional mainstream media and social media like YouTube and Facebook, one can only wonder how can we instill peace, serenity, and even just a bit of “normality” into our lives again? And how can we restore the planet to its pristine condition before we all messed up our planet’s environmental resources too :O?!

How can we lightworkers help our fellow human beings to love and help each other more?

The Formula for Enlightenment

Step 1: I believe the very first step of this “Formula for Enlightenment” which is just a fancy name for the exact simple ways to raise us from this deplorable muck that we are in (Yes, we are equally guilty and responsible for the wars and hate and persecution that are happening globally now ☹!), is to realize that “We belong to ONE Earth-based family, no matter what our lineage is!”.

Referring to the short quote I posted in the box at the beginning of this post, we, as in all human beings on this earth, regardless of his/her nationality, age, skin color, language, religious and social affiliation, etc., must be treated the same as other species on this planet.

We are definitely made of the same building blocks of matter – proton, neutron, quark, etc. and the energy – hopefully positive – that moves all of us to action and repose. We have only One Creator, otherwise called “God, Yahweh, Allah, Jehovah, etc.” who created us and put us on this planet and this 3rd dimensional plane of existence to live and thrive.

Since we are given all the blessings and the elements to lead a bountiful, healthy, and joyous life, it is assumed that the natural progression for mankind on Earth is to love, respect, and cherish one another – ultimately raising their soul consciousness to a higher level/higher plane than what we have now. In simple terms, that means possessing the “good & admirable qualities” of being loving, joyous, charitable, understanding, patient, kind, compassionate, positively inclined and focused, etc.

These qualities are associated also with beings existing in the 5th dimension and upwards (It has been assumed that the higher the dimension a being exists in, the more advanced and humane it is, as well as its relationships with the citizens of his/her plane of existence; see my post on “What is the 5th dimension” here: Ascension Starts in the Mind – shamana in the making (

Unfortunately, our race’s propensity for wars, disagreements, and intimidations is giving us a hard time elevating our consciousness. But, the situation is not hopeless.

So what is the solution to eliminating all the bad incidents that are happening to not only our personal lives right now but also other species and entities of the world?

Step 2: Eliminate Fear and Love One Another

When I seriously started to follow this lightworking mission I was born into, I was ordered by my higher dimensional guides to “eliminate fear in my body AT ALL TIMES. Naturally, I balked at the order because I could only imagine all the – what I perceived then – were “unsurmountable obstacles” along the way in the elimination of fear.

Fear, in this context, encompasses all the negative thoughts, attitudes, behavior, predispositions, perceptions, etc. we tend to harbor and the emotions and inclinations that are generated from it. From as profound and complicated as the current fear of neo-Nazis, terrorists, and corrupt politicians to the fear of spiders, cockroaches, and even hunger and lack of basic essential goods, FEAR compels humanity to do dire things in reaction to it – like kill people to protect themselves and their beliefs, to harboring prejudices against certain ethnic races and minority groups on the planet.

So I’m saying this again as I have written about it countless times here in my blog: the ONLY ONE AND EFFECTIVE WAY we can lessen and probably eradicate the hate and carnage that seems to engulf the planet right now is to LOVE ONE ANOTHER, no matter how different that someone or some animal or entity is.

And when we LOVE ONE ANOTHER, we also automatically eradicate the FEAR that compels us to do horrendous things 😉! Remember, the Reptilians or “Rs” for short, magnify those fears in our minds – to their advantage! And if we fall prey to those fears, that would be the beginning of another hate trend leading to another hate crime.

I have said this again and perhaps, I will never get tired of reminding everyone about it 😊.

Namaste and have a great start to the week 😉!

My Amazing UFO/UAP Experience & How to Deal With It

A montage of famous UFO/UAP pics expresses one girl's first UFO experience.
Scouring the skies for a UFO or UAP might take some time. But when you encounter your 1st one, it will be easier to find the rest afterwards! Photos courtesy of The Smithsonian Magazine and StockFotos.

It has been the trend lately to talk about “seeing UFOs”, following not only the sudden increase in sightings of these phenomena during the past few years (even during the pandemic), but also the surprising & sudden transparency of the US Government in admitting that they have witnessed and recorded sightings of UFOs during the past decade or so.

This “about-turn” of the US Government’s policy in publicly admitting the presence and encounters with UFOs surely encouraged several quarters of the US general public and other countries’ governments to reveal their UFO experiences in the media.

But this blog post is not about what the US Government or any government thinks about UFOs and what their next move is to quell the curiosity – and sometimes the hysteria — of the masses about the presence of these entities in our airspace.

Instead, this blog post is about my personal experiences “seeing and experiencing” these unidentified space entities that wreak havoc on our minds and hearts. And how these experiences had affected me since they occurred.

But first, let me identify the term I will most frequently use in this blog post. The modern term replacing the traditionally used term for UFOsUnidentified Flying Objects – is Unidentified Aerial Phenomena” or UAP!

The reason for the name change is to encompass the other sightings of UFOs which do not fall under the typically known UFO sighting, that is, a vessel-like flying object with no visible means of propulsion and similar to the traditionally shaped “flying saucer” or airplane-type vehicle we are used to identifying in the past. Some of the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) which have been detected sometime in our recent past include “luminescent orbs”, “twinkling lights” that are moving across trees, houses, garages, etc.; dark, puffy clouds with unusual shapes, or even diaphanous waves of light over the horizon, among others.

My Different UAP Experiences

My first sighting of a UFO or UAP was, surprisingly, in a rather unexpected place – in a wooded area in the fringes of a city ;). Normally, we would expect UFO sightings to occur in the remote countryside, or in the lonely mountains, or in some quiet, deserted beach far from civilization.

But in my first UFO encounter, I was staying in a little, obscure, mixed-sex dormitory located in the middle of a forested area near the outskirts of the capital. And I was not alone when I saw it – I was with my ex-mentor Rianna!

Meditation – A Way to See UFOs/UAPs

At the time I saw my first UFO – or UFOs, I was studying how to open my 3rd eye and learn to practice our latent psychic abilities ;). Part of this mentorship course included studying all the literature, at least available on the internet, about ETs, non-terrestrial, benevolent entities; and writings made by enlightened 3rd-dimensional humans – sages they are called – who came before us and made contact with higher dimensional ET entities.

According to popular literature penned by individuals who have had contacts with extraterrestrial entities, one can see UFOs, UAPs or ETs if one’s person, or at least one’s 3rd dimensional body and soul are vibrating highly. What does this mean?

It is common knowledge within the UFO/UAP Community and among occult followers & practitioners that a large number of ETs may have come from worlds and dimensions that are higher than us. One such dimension would be the 5th dimension and other dimensions higher than 5th. These dimensions are what New Age proponents and Lightworkers believe are where “benevolent ETs” come from.

Residents of these higher dimensions are believed to possess frequencies that are higher than 3rd dimensional humans. Higher dimensional humans or humanoids vibrate highly, meaning they have mastered and overcome their fears and thus, are vibrating more to the emotions of love, joy, peace, brotherhood, forgiveness, etc. In short, all these higher dimensional entities are vibrating to positive qualities and emotions you can ever think of.

Of course, on 3rd dimensional Earth, it would be relatively difficult to be always vibrating to the positive emotions and thoughts I mentioned above. But the sages and yogis of old have discovered that if you learn to meditate as well as practice compassion, love, forgiveness, understanding, joy, tranquility, charity, and all the other positive emotions and thoughts as much as you can, you may be able to view UFOs/UAPs more often than others.

And so, in that frame of mind and situation, I managed to witness my first UFO/UAP incident.

My First Organic UFO Sighting

My first UFO or UAP sighting involved a “sentient” UFO/UAP. Sentient UFOs/UAPs are not just vehicles to ride in by intelligent beings; the said UFO entity can think and decide for itself.

Sentient UFOs can also be “organic”, meaning “alive” or made of organic material or the organic building blocks of life on 3rd dimensional Earth. An example of an “organic UFO” is the spaceship that one ex-military captain called Mark Richards commandeered as part of his tour of duty as a member of the “Secret Space Program” sometime ago (see link on that story here:

But of course, there could be sentient beings on these UFOs that Elon Musk had propounded to be “Artificial Intelligence”, meaning sentient beings made of synthetic materials. This is for Elon Musk to ponder, of course, in the future.

So back to my first UFO sighting! Let me narrate that the UFOs I saw were a pair: one was shaped like a round ball of light but was changing its colors from white to red and back to white again.

The other UFO also looked like a round ball of light, slightly larger than the first one, but had 3 colors (red, black, and white) and kept flickering its colors while it moved. And yes, both UFO entities were moving in the sky like two dogs playing and nipping at each other.

The bi-colored UFO kept on moving in a circular path, clockwise and counter-clockwise. On the other hand, the tri-colored UFO entity also kept on circling, clockwise and counter-clockwise, and touching or attempting to touch the bi-colored UFO like in a game of tag.

The Circumstances Around My First UFO/UAP Sighting

I saw my first sentient UFO pair in the outskirts of the city, in the capital of my little island. In fact, I was with my second shaman mentor who I was learning from on how to become a shaman worthy of everyone’s trust and respect when I saw my first UFO.

Both my shaman mentor and I were living, for a little while, in a comfortable, well-kept four-storey building that was more of a residence hall for transients in the outskirts of the city. This building was nestled in a second-growth forest which made us feel that we’re still living in nature amid the hustle & bustle of the city.

All of the furnishings in our room were very basic and sparse, just enough to make us comfortable and conducive for meditation, relaxation, and quiet contemplation. It is in this kind of atmosphere that somehow triggers our abilities “to see beyond the normal”, and stretches our faculties to enable us to view what is normally hidden and missing from our ordinary day-to-day activities.

Are They Trying to Find Us?

So, it was a quiet, lazy & sultry late afternoon in the summer when Rianna, my shaman mentor, and I saw what looked like two flashing discs in the far-off distance from our window in our nature-based residence room.

I was busy going through my required readings as a shaman-in-training, as I recall that one afternoon. In fact, I was reading through Barbara Marciniak’s “Bringers of the Dawn: Teachings from the Pleiadeans”. In the book, Marciniak was recounting her dealings and channelings of messages from the Pleiadeans, a predominantly benevolent race of humanoids – tall, blonde-haired, and godlike in stature – living in the Pleiades Star System (will discuss this book sometime in a future blog post. Meanwhile, read the book for free here at ).

The Pleiadeans are known to be of a higher dimensional form, thus, they largely vibrate to a higher frequency than 3rd dimensional humans and other animals.

Taking a short break from reading and digesting the messages of the Pleiadeans from this book, I managed to quickly take a look in the far horizon. It was late afternoon already, but at 20 minutes past 5 pm on a sultry, summer day, the sun was still far up in the horizon.

I looked at the direction of a radio tower near the residence. The tower was silhouetted against a sharply yellowing sky – the start of the end of a day. Suddenly, my attention was caught by flashing lights in the far horizon, just beyond and behind the radio tower (the radio tower was located some 600-800 meters away from our abode). And that was when I saw the pair of UFOs.

As I had mentioned earlier, this pair of unidentified beings looked like “a pair of dogs cavorting & playing in space”. The pair were going around in circles, seeming to come together at one point, and then breaking apart to come together again in the next bend of space.

I called the attention of Rianna, asking her to look at where my finger was pointing beyond the radio tower and into the far horizon. And then she also saw the naughty pair and gasped.

It took us 20-30 minutes watching the two UFOs/UAPs seemingly playing with each other. At first, I thought it was one of those light & sound shows that were projecting a tableau in the late afternoon sun. But deep inside, I knew that they were not a light & sound show (I will narrate later the evidence that made my sighting irrefutable and genuine!). This was the real deal ;)!

Cogitating on What My UFO Encounter Means to Me

Ever since I could remember, I had wanted to see a UFO – either in my backyard or some deserted highway or lonely beach. The reason for this was “envy” – of my former Boss who managed to see a UFO in his hometown beside the sea.

My ex-Boss who was Thai, recounted to me how when he was just a young child, him and some other family members saw a group of UFOs fly past their little hometown beside the sea. The UFOs, he recounted, were long and cigar-shaped. These UFOs were skimming over the water and largely looked as if in a phalanx-like military formation.

I remember being envious of my Boss’s sighting of a UFO – and further UFO sightings he would have since then ;). So, while I was working abroad in different countries, I would always have this wish that perhaps, this time, I would see a genuine UFO too, perhaps in every foreign country I lived in.

But after seeing a UFO or UAP and being able to recall my memories of past lives and future lives, the significance of this “other-worldly encounter” took a much deeper meaning. I, above all else, wanted to see a UFO/UAP to prove to myself that there are really extraterrestrial entities out there which have an influence or impact on our 3rd dimensional lives! And I wanted to see them up close and personal 😉!

Have you had an UFO or UAP experience as well? Tell us your story in the comments below,

P.S: This is not the end of my UFO/UAP experiences. I had more UFO/UAP experiences similar to this one afterwards. I will blog about it in another blog post sometime in the near future ;)!

For now, keep scouring the skies and seas for your first own UFO/UAP experience ;)!

What is a “Return to Sender Stone” and How Does it Benefit Us?

A red-colored stone, red jasper is a rock crystal that provides protection as well as "return-to-sender capabilities" to the wearer.
A red-colored stone, red jasper is a rock crystal that provides protection as well as “return-to-sender capabilities” to the wearer. Photo courtesy of

When I was training under my mentor Rianna in my early days as a fresh neophyte shamana, I was shown a red rock crystal which I was informed to be a “return to sender stone”.

Now this “return to sender stone” was actually a red jasper, a tumbled rock crystal – red in color, of course – which was mightily prized and sought-after by most of my friends training as shamans, healers, witches, warlocks, and almost everyone in the occult arts. There are several grades of red jasper; some were pretty expensive – probably so because it was a stone that was always in demand.

So let me tell you why this red jasper is so coveted as a “return to sender stone” and what it is for 😉.

Protection against Those Who Wish Us Harm

Those of us who “work for the light” and the liberation of the oppressed from dark and diabolical forces and entities usually encounter all sorts of negative beings that only desire ill will and/or inflict pain and suffering on others. I’m not referring solely to my favorite scapegoats, the Reptilians or hybrid Reptilian entities. I’m including also those humans and humanoids who may not always be evil or bad but also have days when all they want to do is inflict pain, suffering, or sadness on their fellow humans ☹.

And so, these negative and negatively-inclined entities would normally throw some insidious spell, hex, curse, negative intention, etc. your way. And these intentions sometimes reach their mark, which is YOU.

My mentor Rianna told me that in these situations, one must certainly seek protection against these evil intentions, curses, hexes, etc. sent by those who wish us harm. This is where our RED JASPER comes in useful.

Red Jasper – the Stone of Protection and Return-to-Sender Abilities

Red Jasper is a red-colored stone popularly used in jewelry. It offers not only protection against psychic attacks to the wearer but is also known as a "return-to-sender stone".
Red Jasper is a red-colored stone popularly used in jewelry. It offers not only protection against psychic attacks to the wearer but is also known as a “return-to-sender stone”. Photo courtesy of SA Jewellers Store at

Ever heard about this famous Old Testament Bible verse: “An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth!”?

Well, the basic idea was that “if you hit me now, I will hit you back”. Anything you do to me now, I will return the favor, whether it’s something good or bad.

Well, what if you don’t deserve this bad thing being inflicted on you? What if you have no quarrel with that other person or entity and they wish pain, suffering, and havoc on your person?

Use then our red jasper for “protection and return to sender capabilities”.

How to Use the Red Jasper as the Ultimate Protection against Evil

Very simply! Hold the red jasper rock crystal in your hand, and program it to provide protection and return to sender capabilities for you. When we say “return to sender”, we specifically say that whatever that bad person sends to you gets sent back his/her way but undoubtedly 10X more destructive than what they had sent to you.

I questioned the wisdom behind sending something back — mainly the energies of the wish or intention — to the person that sent it. Rianna said that the “sending back” is not really for spite or “an eye for an eye” kind of reaction but more of purposefully having the intention of giving a lesson to the one who sent the bad wish or intention.

Rianna said that if we do not do the “return to sender gesture”, that person who keeps on sending bad wishes or intentions, and curses to persons, namely those they consider as enemies or have inflicted great pain to them, etc., will never learn how bad and destructive his/her intentions, curses, and hexes are. The objective is to let that bad/evil person get a taste of what evil they have done, and should never do ever again!

Are we clear on that point😉?!

And the most important part of this practice is that what you send back – I mean the “energy” generated, made possible by the “return to sender stone” — is commensurate only to what the other person/party has sent to you. In other words, you are only reflecting back something that has been thrown to you. The amplifier effect – 10X more potent on the return journey – also applies for good deeds done and extended by people to you. You do something good to a person, you will be rewarded by a good deed or gesture as well from the same person or from another person and situation as well.

Return to Sender in Other Belief Practices

There is nothing new or unique at all to our “return to sender” practice. Some other cultures have a similar return to sender vibe. This includes Buddhism wherein the Lord Buddha cautioned against inflicting damage against someone, either physically, mentally or spiritually.

The Buddha said that good things or blessings can only come from good and charitable acts, as well as noble intentions. The same can be said for the Christian and Catholic religions. Both belief systems have a long, ancient tradition of encouraging the generation of good deeds because the blessings and positive energy generated by these good deeds can only reap more blessings to the sender.

There are also those who practice Yorubba or the Nigerian practice of witchcraft. They also utilize a “return to sender” stone and call the practice “Obeah” (more on Obeah in a future post).

How to Activate our Return to Sender Stone

The easiest way to activate a return to sender stone is to have it on your person as a tumbled stone or wear it as jewelry. As a raw, tumbled stone, you can put it in your pocket or in a small pouch in your bag – as long as that bag is with you all the time.

Red jasper looks good as jewelry too, such as beads in a necklace or bracelet. You can also have the red jasper as a polished stone and hung like a pendant on a necklace. Red Jasper is not hard to find; there are a lot of online crystal stores like which sell red jasper pendants, beaded necklaces, bracelets, and tumbled stones.

To activate it, just program the stone to protect you and utilize its “return to sender capabilities” all the time. Hold the stone in your hand and say, “I cleanse you of any negative energies, intentions and programs here and now. I program you to protect me against any negatively-inclined person or entity who intends harm or ill will on me. I also program you to activate your “return to sender capabilities” in all dimensions and realities; above, below and around us, from now and forever ever on!

And so be it, and so it is, and so it becomes. Namaste/Amen/Salaam/Shalom etc.!”

Hopefully this helps everyone to become safe and constantly protected😊.

Let’s try to be kind, generous, and helpful to others all the time! It pays to share and deliver only good deeds and leave blessings to everyone 😉.

Love and Healing

Love and Healing are the most practical and noteworthy things we should accomplish and pursue in our lives this New Year of the Water Rabbit 2023 ;)! Make sure you carry love within you, because love can protect us from all harm this year!

It’s hard to talk about such a profound and heady topic as “Love and Healing” when the person who taught you about love & healing is the very person who has abandoned you in your hour of need ☹.

It’s such a difficult topic to write about at the very start of the New Year 2023, especially when we “lightworkers” have and are expected to lead or be examples of benevolence and right conduct for the rest of humanity that they are trying to help awaken.

So, this was the dilemma I had to face – again – when I decided to contact my first shaman mentor Riana who initiated my “awakening” to the “true nature of reality” almost a decade ago. As you recall, I had mentioned my long-standing feud with my first mentor some time ago in a previous blog post here:  The Uphill Road of a Shamana in Training – shamana in the making (

I realized that it had been almost 8 years since we drifted apart. It was time to patch up, in my opinion, and work collaboratively in harmony for the sake of saving humanity from the various evils that are afflicting us now 😊.

But we were not fated to do so – again! We may never get back together again.

Unless we are asked by our higher benevolent mentors to team up for a project — again 😉 . . .

Love Above All Else!

So, to continue my discussion on the topic of “Love & Healing”, I decided to expound on this topic because of some truths I learned during the past tumultuous years. I share these truths with you to prepare you for any impending challenges, both personal and global, soon.

So, these are my simple, personal learnings:

* Loving yourself FIRST drives away evil and the bogeyman!

In previous blog posts, I talked about how evil or neg entities constantly hound me, opening the way for more neg incidents and occurrences to happen. In the past, a prayer or two, along with some lighting of some incense, were all one needed to drive the malevolent forces away.

But now, those negative forces have multiplied considerably. I talk about this bcoz in recent years, I have been constantly attacked by these forces in my home, churning accidents outside on the street, and have had the misfortune to fall into really hard times, largely bcoz of interference occasionally through “mind control” by these neg entities.

And it’s not only me. It’s the whole world. When you hear about global wars, pandemics, and climate change, you know that most of them are largely man-made problems. But a great number of these problems are instigated and fueled by neg entities.

But, through it all, through several misfortunes and “generated accidents”, the only thing that has helped me effectively to overcome these unwelcome occurrences is “Loving yourself above all else!” Love yourself first! Love your talents, your frailties, your strengths and positive assets, your image, your weaknesses, and your very essence! Love yourself before starting to teach others how to love themselves and their families and friends.

Because if one doesn’t love oneself above all else, how can you teach others to love themselves too ;)?!

* Healing follows “Cultivating Love” in the Body and Mind

What a lot of people do not realize – and I’m not saying all – is that bodily diseases are caused by mental health problems. This means people who are depressed, anxious, disturbed, angry, prone to paranoia, etc. are more likely to develop diseases of the body such as hyperacidity, ulcers, diabetes (prone to find solace in eating sweets and oily foods), hypertension, cancer, etc.

As a practitioner of “pranic healing” which is an ancient Indian way of energy healing, we are taught that diseases in the physical body start from “diseases in the mind”. That means if you have problems with your mental health and have several “emotional & mental problems, as I had mentioned above, on a prolonged basis, it might – and this I say “might”, also affect or turn out as diseases in the physical body.

The main supposition behind this is that our “physical body” is connected to our “etheric body”, hence some people also end up being sick in the body while mentally and emotionally sick.

I say this because I experienced such a situation just 13 years ago (talking about the lucky number 13 :O!).

I went through a very dark place then ☹. I was angry at the world, at the people I trusted most and counted on, and thought were my friends. And I was depressed because of that ☹.

And with that depression, which I hadn’t recognized I had then because I was largely a positive-minded, feisty, and “go-getter kind of person”, I developed bodily diseases such as hypertension and depression, as I mentioned earlier.

And from that state of depression, I was saved by a mentor – the same mentor that abandoned me later (this story merits another blog post for another day). I picked myself up and did the slow and arduous path to “healing” through a most loving and benevolent way J!

So, going back to our main topic, what is the connection then between “healing and love”?

Very simple: LOVE is an “emotion” that has the power to heal. When you feel that emotion that is “Love” – and when I say “love”, it should be the genuine, unadulterated, and unconditional love that you have for your loved one, such as a family member, your soulmate, your husband/wife, your BFF (Best Friend Forever), your colleagues and mentors — then you start on your path to “healing the body” as well, including your very important mental health.

Have you noticed that when one is “totally in love” with someone, they radiate not only happiness and joy but also strength, a bright amiable face, and lots of energy to go on through the day?

But there is also the “toxic kind of love”. In this case, the love you have for that person, and the love that person has for you is “toxic” to both your mental, emotional, and physical health as well. Instead of uplifting you due to their love, you are made to think twice, sometimes even 5x if you are “worthy of their love”. And that person makes you feel small, unappreciated, and unworthy.

Sounds familiar ;)? Yup! It happens to all of us — even in our relationships with our so-called “benevolent mentors”, the 3rd-dimensional human type, unfortunately.

When this toxic relationship happens, “cut loose and cut clean!”. Never mind that they claim to be from a benevolent origin; the important thing is they’re “bad news” to your mental, emotional, and physical health.

But, as a budding lightworker, one can still love and forgive this kind of people ;). It takes great courage and sacrifice to forgive them. Because when they claim to be benevolent, but they refuse to help or support you in your fight against the Dark Forces to save their skin, then you know it is better to let go of this kind of person and “cut clean your cords of friendship and familiarity” with them.

This “cutting of the cords” is going to be part of your healing therapy. And also, part of the healing therapy is the “practice of forgiveness”.

* Forgiveness is part of your Healing Therapy this 2023!

A close Buddhist practitioner friend of mine taught me a very important concept of “forgiveness” of those who transgressed or hurt you, both friends and enemies. My friend said that when an enemy or a friend had hurt you badly, they also suffer a lot from the interaction.

I incredulously asked my friend why would they hurt as well when I’m the one hurting more from their negative actions. My friend said that in Buddhist teachings, that person may suffer more from that interaction. The problem is, they might not know that they are also suffering, and thus, they continue hurting other people, not knowing that they are digging their own grave – or adding up to their misery or what Buddhist followers know as “negative karma”.

Since my friend talked about the practice of forgiveness and your enemies hurting as much as you are hurting, I thought very carefully – and kindly – more about my enemies and other people who had done me wrong, although in actuality I do not deliberately create enemies.

One must primarily keep in mind “the highest good” that one can generate from this life. And if that “highest good” means forgiving those who have done us wrong, then we should do that.

And in this life, I am thankful to the Divine Creator that I had learned more about Buddhism and how it may relieve and process your earthly suffering for the past 27 years. It does give me a clearer mind on how to approach issues such as how to treat the people who did you wrong, or how to be a better lightworker by understanding and avoiding issues & actions that will merit negative karma.

Who are we to judge others when sometimes we cannot predict or control ourselves from creating and adding more negative karma to our 3rd-dimensional lives now?

Let me know what you think of my rekos regarding LOVE AND HEALING this New Year 2023. In the meantime, have a smashing day and an auspicious & healthy life this year ;)!

What is the Matrix and 6 Tips on How We Can Hack the Matrix for OUR BENEFIT?

The Matrix is a false reality that is around us and permeates our world. We are part of The Matrix!
The Matrix is all around us, even though we don’t realize it. And we are part of The Matrix. Learn to hack it! Photo by Markus Spriske from

Like Neo, our human hero living in The Matrix, an artificial world created by machines or AI entities, we too can have significant control over The Matrix on Earth, a creation of “The Reptilian Race”, surviving through millennia, and propagated by the infamous “Powers that Be”.

We all have those days when nothing seems to go right, and the pace of life is so slow L. And then something unexpectedly bad or negative crops up in the daily course of your day.

It may be a proposal that was rejected, a job application that was shortlisted but didn’t make the grade, a friend who acted more like an enemy than that of a comrade. Or just an expectation that was unfulfilled.

It doesn’t really matter if the item in question was significantly important or inconsequential. You feel just downward dejected.

Is it always going to be this way? Are we just going to accept meekly what happens to us instead of manifesting what we really want to have or occur?

The good news is, we have the ability to change what is happening to us, and what is going to happen in the near or far future. We still have the opportunity to recoup that loss or to make everything right the way we want it to be – even though reality, as we see it, may look bleak, hopeless, and impossible.

All we have to do is “hack The Matrix” according to our favor ;)!

How do we go about doing that?

Let’s delve first into what we know about The Matrix!

What is the Matrix and Are We There Yet?

Sometime ago, I wrote a blog post on the nature of “The Matrix” we are in here:

I also wrote quite a bit about The Matrix in my Facebook ABOUT PAGE. In it, I mentioned that part of my mission to incarnate on 3D Earth was to “reach out to the multitudes who, like me, are “awakening to the ‘true nature of reality’”.

Okay, so before I get you confused, proponents of The Matrix say that the “reality” we are living in right now is not a “true reality”.

So if the world we are in now is not the “true reality”, what kind of world are we in?

This “fake reality world” we are living in now is what we call “The Matrix”.

“The Matrix” is, to sum it simply, is a “made-up reality” – an artificial world composed of “illusions” conjured through the help of “artificial intelligence, otherwise known as AI” that deceives and lures the average human on Planet Earth to believe that everything around him is real and natural.

The truth is, “Everything around us originated from just a ‘concept’”, an ‘illusion’ of what we think and perceive is “reality”. Similar to what the enigmatic Morpheus in The Matrix trilogy of movies propounded, the “Machines” or a “race of Artificial Intelligence beings” constructed a complete world that is not real”, truly just a figment of our imagination but made real by our minds. And this “imaginary world”, this “artificial world” looks so real to us because our physical minds are linked somehow to this monster of a computer – a Supercomputer, a creation of this AI race – which controls each and every mind on this planet – as long as that person or animal’s brain is connected to it.

All we see and experience – the blue sky we have today, the bumper crop of mangoes our farm generated lately, the traffic at the intersection near your home, your friends climbing that mountain over the weekend holiday – even the food that you tasted at lunch yesterday — ALL OF THESE are “illusions of the mind”, according to my benevolent, higher dimensional mentors and friends. 

“The Powers That Be” or TPTB – the Real Rulers of the World!

Before we can successfully start hacking The Matrix to work in our favor, we need to familiarize ourselves and put up a brave, united front against those who are perpetrating this “fake reality” that Terran humans have been subjected to and enslaved for almost half a million years. We call the operators of The Matrix as “The Powers that Be” or PTB for short.

The Powers that Be are the “real rulers of the planet” and the “operators of The Matrix”! Their main agenda is to keep 3D humans and the planet we live in in a state that’s vibrating to negative energies or “frequencies” as we call them.

The Powers that Be are “adroit manipulators”. They and their minions, of which there are many on the planet, are almost always engaged in manipulating our minds through what conspiracy theorists always claimed as “Mind Control Programs”. For instance, more often than not, we are manipulated by the “ideas and thoughts”, mostly negative, that are broadcasted by media or sent by low frequency “sound waves” to our brains every day of our waking lives by the minions and partners-in-crime of “The Powers that Be” (see my previous blog post on Mind Control initiatives of the PTB here: .

Reptilians or Lizzies, the Bosses of The PTB!

These Powers that Be are not human; they are originally of extraterrestrial origin. There are also “hybrids” – half extraterrestrial and half human humanoids – created from years of inter-breeding with the original species of early man that these extraterrestrials found on the planet when they arrived almost 500,000 years ago.

Some of these non-human extraterrestrials are more popularly known as “Reptilians” or “Rs” or “Lizzies” for short. They are so-called because they have skin that are similar to reptiles on Earth, have vertical yellow or green slits for pupils (like lizards), three-fingered hands (more like claws), a tail similar to dinosaurs (not all of their species though), and a most disagreeable temper!

They thrive on “feeding off” the negative frequencies of people. And to ensure that they have unlimited sources of negative energies to feed on, they have infiltrated and manipulated some of the major companies and organizations in the world to help generate this “negative mindset and disposition” among the greater majority of the population. These instigators of negativity among the upper echelons of the human race are part of the “Powers that Be” that rule the world now!

So now that we have substantially discussed who the PTB are, let’s get into the main topic of this blog post:  How to Successfully Hack the Matrix in Your Favor?!

Six Tips on How to Successfully Hack the Matrix

I assume that you may now understand “Why it is important to know what The Matrix is?” 😊.

Basically we need to maneuver our way around The Matrix. Whether you believe that we live in this “Matrix-like world” where our thoughts and our actions are influenced by a Super AI, a Supercomputer, or that we live in a world that terribly seems to be breaking apart at the seams (Covid pandemic that affected the entire world, Russia-Ukraine War that tears about the world and created food and gas shortages, more mutating viruses, etc.), it is important to understand and know how to “keep your place” and “function and live productively” in this kind of an environment.

So here are some tips to send you off to fulfilling your quest, like Neo in The Matrix had done:

Tip 1:  Open Your Mind

When at a crossroads/dilemma as to what is the best path to take, always “take the path of least resistance”.

This famous saying sums up my first tip for a most effective – and promising – hack of the Matrix – “Open Your Mind!”.

Many of us immediately “close our minds” to new concepts and challenges that we deprive ourselves of the benefits of such a bold move. So when the idea that modern-day humans are “trapped”, so to speak, in this Matrix, some people will call this idea a “fool’s fantasy” or a “nutcase’s fantasy”, especially when they have no way of perceiving that their world now is just pure fantasy!

We need to use our “intuition” to see the Matrix. To do this, one must keep an OPEN MIND. Yes, there are some of us who have seen it firsthand, well at least parts of it. Sometimes, we may need to look within, or what we technically call “introspection” with the help of meditation to see & perceive The Matrix.

Glitches in The Matrix

One of the instances by which we can see The Matrix is when a “glitch” happens.

Like when I woke up too early one morning (around 4:30 am), got up quickly, started preparing coffee in the kitchen. At that time, I had a number of red chili peppers (the red ones used in spicing up food casseroles) scattered on my kitchen table top.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw one of the pods turning slowly over. When I perceived that happening, the light in my room suddenly dimmed and flickered, but slowly went back again to its usual brightness.

That was pretty queer! It took me a few seconds to compose myself again and peruse over what I saw and experienced :O!

I had several more “glitches in The Matrix moments”, but I will discuss those more in-depth in another future blog post.

Tip 2:  Believe in Yourself

“Forget the Past, Don’t Anticipate the Future, Focus on the Present Moment.”

Gautama Buddha, the founder and proponent of Buddhism, is the author of this saying. Buddha staunchly believed and taught his disciples that the past was not something we should be focusing our energies in. Nor is the future something that we should be worriedly anticipating and wasting our energies predicting what would become of us.

Instead, Buddha imparted to his followers that the “present moment” is the most important aspect of our existence now. Don’t dote on the frailties and mistakes of your past, although do remember the lessons learned from those mistakes. What is important is to focus on the present moment.

Why? Because your past doesn’t determine your future. And to believe in oneself, one should start anew and work on yourself IN THE PRESENT MOMENT, with the lessons in the past to guide you!

Having all our faculties and efforts “focused” on the present moment is what we should be working on.

Tip 3:  Meditate

To know oneself, one has to find a way to do deep, inner retrospection. This enables the individual to learn more about his weaknesses and strengths in order to be able to hack The Matrix.

With meditation, one can quiet the mind and think more deeply and focus about the more important things in life. One does not need to learn very complicated methods of meditation, such as Vipassana meditation or transcendental meditation. A simple method of meditation could be something like the following:

* Sit in a comfortable position, away from all distractions like road traffic, the neighbor chattering like a jet plane, etc.

* Make sure that your back is straight but not rigid. You can use a cushion to ease the tension on your lower extremities after sitting for some time.

* Try to relax and focus on your breathing. Breathe in to take in all the good energy, chi or prana in the surrounding environment. Breathe out to expel all the negative energy, which could be your negative thoughts, anxieties, stresses, disappointments, etc. from your life and persona.

*Try to do this breathing exercise for at least 15 minutes or so. While doing the breathing exercise, make it a point to clear your mind of all disturbing and unhealthful thoughts. This may take some time to master. But do not worry if you can’t do it well. Just as a single negative thought comes in, just usher it out as soon as it enters.

 Tip 4:  Acknowledge Your Brules and ELIMINATE THEM – Permanently!

Sometimes, we have a difficult time moving forward in life because we stick to “ancient, old-fashioned, and therefore, “outmoded” ways of looking at things in perspective. For example, in my parents’ time, they would teach us youngsters that the only way to be successful in life is to “work hard every time”. That basically means working hard at something you want, whether it is a job or a goal in life, by spending 12-16 hours a day and as if you are a camel trying to go through the eye of a needle ☹!

Vishen Lakhiani, CEO and founder of MindValley Academy, an online self-empowerment educational institution, calls this kind of thinking as BRULES, a shortened form of BULLSHIT RULES. These rules are so outmoded that it hampers our functioning in our daily lives. Not only in our day-to-day activities but also in the way we look at ourselves, how we respect ourselves, and how we project our persona to others and the rest of the world.

So Vishen, as he is famously called, asserted that we should “get rid of all these BRULES” and look at life afresh. We need to remove the labels, the prejudices, some of the outdated ways of thinking of our ancestors – and move forward in life with fresh, open eyes and minds.

And once we do this, we can hack the Matrix and manipulate the outcome to be in our favor 😉.

Tip 5:  Bend Reality

Since we literally know that reality as we see it now is just an illusion, don’t you think it would be easier to shape reality the way we want it?

Vishen Lakhiani, founder of MindValley, once said in one of his lectures: “If you can accept any model of reality, why not choose one that suggests you can literally bend reality with your mind”?

Remember, “Nothing is Permanent in The Matrix. Everything is Malleable”.

And so, if everything is malleable, don’t you think we should focus more our intentions on the ways we can change our lives and eventually, our world the way we want it to be?

Part of the “bending reality” exercise is to engage in “creative visualizations” and “practicing setting intentions”.

How do we go about conducting creative visualizations? Well, one just create a picture of what one wants to achieve in his mind, or illustrate it on a white board or make a collage of it – and hang that board where you can see it day in and day out.

In no time, that picture of success or anything one wants or desires will become real ;)!

On the other hand, setting intentions, sometimes called “affirmations” or “mantras”, makes an imprint in your mind of what one wants. By repeatedly saying this “mantra”  morning, noon, and night, the idea sticks in one’s mind and eventually, becomes an all palpable and true reality for oneself.

Tip 6:  Continue Being In the Flow

And to be ensured that one is always “bending reality” to one’s favor, one has to be constantly “In the Flow”. Now what does that mean?

According to Vishen Lakhiani who actually coined this phrase, “In the Flow” means being “inherently happy today” but at the same time “having visions of the future” or “positively planning for a successful future”. Lakhiani said that being consistently and continuously in this “state of flow” leads to certain synchronicities that lead to success in everything you planned and desired for.

I can only relate too well to Vishen about this – and have written about it several times in my blog. By constantly being in this “happy state”, as well as throwing your desire to the universe and strongly believing that it will come true leads to achieving what one desires J.

Here is a video wherein Vishen discusses lengthily about being “In the Flow”:

Okay, I hope you try my 6 Tips to a “most successful hacking of The Matrix” ;)!

See you in my next blog post!

Celebrating Violet and All the People I Love on the “Day of the Dead” Today!

This post is about continuously loving our loved ones that have passed away, particularly Violet, a young 14 year old girl who was "mind-controlled" to commit suicide some 3 years ago.
Celebrating the Day of the Dead, we remember Violet and all the people we love who have passed away. We continue to love them not only for today but every day because that is their legacy.

This post is a story of love 😉. Yes, a story of love that happened and continuously happens during the month of October where we islanders celebrate both Halloween and “The Day of the Dead”.

So firstly, let me explain what is “The Day of the Dead” in my culture?

The Day of the Dead and Halloween – Celebration or Mourning?

The Day of the Dead is an “annual celebration of love” that we the islanders celebrate on the 1st of November. Unlike Halloween wherein young ones, mostly children, go “trick or treating” by knocking on people’s doors – or their aunties and uncles’ doors, on The Day of the Dead, we all troop to the cemetery to pay homage & respect to our loved ones who have passed on.

Normally, it starts off with the family members of the deceased going to the cemetery early in the morning to offer flowers, candles, incense, prayers, etc. to the deceased loved one/s. In our island, it is pretty common also to spend an afternoon or a night near the grave of your loved one/s. Usually, the family would camp at the cemetery, bring their packed lunches or dinners with them, and spend time also visiting other family members’ and friends’ grave sites.

Everyone has a good time at the cemetery, at least for the Christian and Catholic families who normally celebrate this way during “The Day of the Dead”. I mean “celebrate” because instead of weeping or feeling remorse and a bit of sadness, family members visit their loved ones at the cemetery to spend time with them even for just 1 day in a year. And at the cemetery, families bring a packed lunch or dinner and have a picnic to accompany their deceased loved one/s on this special day.

So now that I have explained what I mean by “celebration” during the Day of the Dead, I’d like to bring you back to the topic of Violet and how she sadly passed away some 3 years ago. An event that up to now I still cannot forget without a tightening around my heart and throat☹.

Violet’s Untimely Demise & Why I still Consider that Tragedy a Celebration of Love

Some 3 years ago, I wrote about Violet’s rather “violent death” in a post here: When We Fail in Our Mission . . . – shamana in the making (

Every time October and Halloween arrive, I feel that little twitch in my heart again for not being able to save or anticipate Violet’s death at the hands of the Reptilians (otherwise called “Rs” or “Lizzies” as we usually call them) – or the bad guys if it’s still too hard for you to believe in the Rs 😉. If you managed to read between the lines, Violet’s death was obviously an incident of “child sacrifice” usually conducted by Illuminati-related or Reptilian-related (hybrid) individuals who want to capitalize on the negative energy expelled during her suicidal death ☹.

This kind of “child sacrifice” is mostly prevalent during the month of October, wherein the European northerners historically celebrate “Samhain”, and child sacrifices were sometimes conducted to offer to what they call “the Heathen Gods”.

When today (or yesterday, depending on what part of the world you are in now on November 1) could have been another very unhappy “Day of the Dead”, I choose to celebrate the living and the legacy that Violet had left behind with her family and to her friends just like me.

We don’t have to feel unhappy whenever we remember the dead. We can “celebrate” their life, no matter how short, abusive, lacking, or sad like Violet, and remember that they (Reptilians) – like us – are also in this 3D world to experience and learn from that experience of being human — or partly human. And to be genuinely human, we have to keep loving and remembering those that have left this Earthly plane of existence already – with all their mistakes, frailties, shortcomings, and inconsistencies!

We Choose to Remember the Good . . .

The one thing that we can teach the negatively-inclined and malevolent Rs is that even if we die, we can still “choose to remember” all the good things that this humanoid person had done, and just forget or deemphasize all the incidents and initiatives which he/she had not been too good or benevolent.

And this is the main reason why I consider today, the “Day of the Dead”, as a “celebration of love”! This “choice that we have over good versus evil, happy over sad, benevolent versus destructive” are the ways we can also outwit and defend ourselves against the “mind-control initiatives” of negatively-inclined attachment spirits and entities who prevail over events like these – Samhain, Day of the Dead, Good Friday, and other popularly celebrated events.

Do you agree with me on this? Should we forget the Reptilians and never forgive what they have done to Violet and her family? Or should we forgive them as well as part of The Creator’s Grand Plan 😉?!

Let me know in the comments section below 😉! And have a great and loving “Day of the Dead” today 😊!

How to Help Release Your Loved Ones from their Earthly Karmic Burdens

The article instructs readers on how to help release their loved ones from their karmic burdens once they crossed over to the Other Side
Here are some tips on how to help release your loved ones from their karmic burdens on 3rd dimensional Earth.

Sometime in our short lives here on Earth, we occasionally ran into some tiff or altercation with some of our loved ones, be they our parents, our siblings, our cousins – even including our bestfriends (BFFs), close friends, and colleagues.

For those of us who have the ability to see our loved ones’ spirits or “eternal essence”, particularly when they crossed over to “The Other Side”, it is quite sad when you relive those moments which have caused them and you so much pain L. More so when your “fav neg entities” tend to stir those unhappy memories all the time in your brain, which is what they would habitually do as these neg entities feed and thrive on 3D humans’ negative energies all the time.

What to do when such incidents occur? How do we make sure that our loved ones cross over happily to The Other Side and never have to remember their sad lives on 3D Earth again?

There are certain ways to address this dilemma. But first, some introductory information about “The Law of Karma and Reincarnation” which is contributory to this predicament.

The Law of Karma & Reincarnation or “Why Do We (Our Souls, I Mean!) Keep Coming Back to Earth?”

According to the great ancient religion of Hinduism and the equally very old and respected body of beliefs and way of life that is Buddhism, each three-dimensional humanoid entity on this planet has an “essence” or what is commonly known as a “soul”. This soul is eternal; it cannot be destroyed.

This soul that is encased in what we perceive to be a “solid body”, can flit from one lifetime to another and will keep on returning and reincarnating on Earth until such time that it has achieved what it was predestined or tasked to do in that lifetime. Sometimes, that soul can also incarnate in other higher dimensions – or lower dimensions (hell or the realm of lower animals) — or even on other planets and solar systems. But the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth still occurs until that soul has achieved its purpose for incarnating in a particular lifetime.

This cycle of birth, death and rebirth once again is what we term as “The Law of Karma & Reincarnation”. It is an endless cycle until such time that the soul has learned what it needs to learn in several lifetimes. By then, it would have reached the state of “Nirvana”, which means that the soul will exist happily in a state of utmost bliss, contentment, and completion — and will not need to return to an earthly existence again.


And for each rebirth, this soul will carry with it the imprint, the DNA, and the memories of previous lifetimes it has lived. Unfortunately, most of the time we couldn’t remember the memories of past lifetimes when we are reborn in a new body on Earth. But there is also a way to recover those memories (more of that in another post ;)!).

Now what has “The Law of Karma & Reincarnation” got to do with happily sending off your loved ones to The Other Side?

Everyone is Connected in the Universe

Hindus and Buddhists – and perhaps a lot of New Age people and their followers – believe that when we are reborn in a lifetime, we also meet, interact, and sometimes bring with us the same people that we were born and lived with in previous lifetimes. This is because all of us are “karmically linked” to each other, which means we sometimes have to fulfill our destinies, typically our “karma” which is the sum total of our past earthly experiences and future lives with the same people – and animals — we’ve lived, worked and interacted with in previous lifetimes.

So when someone says, “We have a karmic connection to each other.”, you will know already what that means ;).

The second important aspect of karma is that karma can be either good or bad. As we have defined earlier, “karma” is the sum total of the things we accomplish and commit in any lifetime. Now, if you generate “bad karma”, which could encompass all the negative things we do and accomplish in a given lifetime or in previous lifetimes, that karma will get back to you in more ways than one. That means what you generate in a lifetime is going to get back to you like a boomerang one way or another.

Therefore, it is imperative that we generate only “good karma” because whatever you generate in this world is certainly going back to you!

So with that intro, let’s get to the meat of the topic: “How do we release our loved ones from the karmic burden of despair, unhappiness, sorrow, pain, regret, anger, and fear that they may still be carrying with them when they crossed over to ‘The Great Beyond’?”.

The answer is, there is no surefire guarantee that we can release them from all those negative emotions and experiencesL. But YOU, as a contributor to those negative emotions and experiences, can help relieve them of the pain, fear, hurt, and unhappiness that arose out of those situations.

How do we go about doing that? Let me explain.

When your loved one passes over to “The Great Beyond”, it is advised that one should NOT ADD to the pain and sorrow experienced by the deceased in the moment of transition. Instead, one “cuts the karmic cord” to whatever negative incident, experience, or deed that one has committed or experienced with the deceased person. For example, your father died of cancer and you, as his daughter, was hardly there during the last month or so of his sickness.

Instead of moping around and regretting why you weren’t there when he passed away, you just talk to your late Father’s “Higher Self”, reassure him of your love for him and ask for his forgiveness. Then, you declare that you are releasing him and yourself from the pain, sorrow, fear, anger, and unhappiness arising from all those unfulfilled promises and issues that you committed during your life with your late father.

As the elders in the islands say, those who have passed on also suffer in silence if you are lamenting and grieving for the things that they cannot change or correct in their absence now.

I have never tried to go back and right the wrongs or shortcomings I’ve committed or done to my loved ones in their brief lives. I am referring to doing “time travel”, as propounded by dentist turned hypnotherapist and past life regression and future progression expert Dr. Bruce Goldberg.  Dr. Goldberg advocated that one can still change the future by going back to the past – but that is an entirely different method which I honestly haven’t tried yet, and hence, cannot knowingly recommend ;)!

Instead, I do recommend a Releasing Invocation for our loved ones so that they may make the transition to The Other Side in a harmonious, easier, and happier way.

Invocation Prayer to Help Release Our Loved Ones who Passed on from their Earthly Karmic Burdens

O Great Spirit/Divine Creator/One Source, etc.

Empower me to help release my ______ (name of loved one) from his/her earthly karmic burdens. Guide me to help cut this karmic cord that has bound my loved one to this earthly plane so that he/she will be able to transition to a better place free from the burdens, negative emotions and experiences that he/she has endured/encountered on this earth.

I know that I might have contributed in some way to ___ (state name of loved one)’s karmic debt in this and previous lifetimes. Therefore, I thus forgive or clear ______ (state name of loved one) from any karmic debt committed to myself and to future versions/incarnations of myself.

And so be it, and so it is, and so it is done, Namaste/Amen/Maktoum/!

Note:  Feel free to amend, add, tweak or delete from this prayer to generate the desired result that may benefit your late loved one.

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