We are NOT Doing Enough to Heal or Raise the Frequency of the Planet!

Red-haired lady with her back turned to the audience looks over mountains where she will travel and explore one day.
A whole new exciting world is for you to explore Lightworker! Don’t forget to fulfill your mission!

On most days, I go about my business with a fog-like memory. Have breakfast, wash some clothes in the morning and hang them to dry, sometimes in the rain; wash the dishes, open laptop to check the news – mostly about the weather and the state of unrest and destruction in the Middle East. Get down to writing, eat lunch, sleep a little for a siesta, write again some, take a bath, go to the middle of town to have a late but heavy lunch, buy some veggies in the market and bread for breakfast the next day, come home, do a little writing and checking of the news online again, cook a simple evening meal which could be a veggie casserole dish mixed with sardines or corned beef, watch a movie or two (sometimes about conspiracy theories or an analysis of the state of the world, or an impending pandemic — again! – on YouTube), and finally, sleep (usually in the early morning hours).

I didn’t realize that part of the depression I was feeling – which I couldn’t realize or grasp as a depression or a mild depression – was myself reacting to this thought: that the world was sliding down into an oblivion of despair, sadness, utmost confusion over what is happening with the world and one’s place in that descending state of helplessness and destruction of the once pristine planet we call β€œHomeβ€β˜Ή.

We sometimes wonder if all those blog posts we churned out in the past almost eight years were enough to wake and educate the sleeping population to galvanize and help raise the frequency of the planet and its residents.

But, as my higher dimensional guides have been advising me since this mission of mine started, we need to find and awaken the Other Members of Our Tribe to help raise the sleeping population to be more cognizant of their role in our current 3RD dimensional world, and understand the β€œtrue nature of reality” – that we live in The Matrix and need to rescue ourselves from the β€œfalse illusion of reality” that we are subjected to every single day.

If I may be so bold to say once more, that illusion of reality is β€œfull of strife, difficulties, anger, despair, hopelessness, and sadness” – one that we certainly don’t want to face on a daily basis ☹!

Some Reasons why Lightworkers Fail to Galvanize their Ranks

  • Persecution from the Dark Ones

A lot of lightworkers have never or refrain from mentioning the β€œDangers of Being a Lightworker”. I don’t think I have ever come across a written piece stating that a lightworker was persecuted for being just themselves – that is, someone who has incarnated in this lifetime to help people become better versions of themselves, sometimes utilizing extrasensory faculties and abilities bordering on the spiritual, esoteric, and the paranormal.

The persecution can come in many forms, such as:

* Physically palpable psychic attacks in the form of malevolent diseases and energy-based attacks such as sudden migraines, skin rashes that come out of nowhere, nightmares, your heart stopping for no apparent reason, etc.

* Hexes and curses sent your way

* Unusual animal behavior such as black dogs with red eyes and large birds constantly chirping and visiting you at night.

* Shadow people and other cryptids visiting victims at night or while asleep at night.

* Alien visitations and abductions

* The phenomenon of becoming a β€œTargeted Individual (TI)” – more on that in another blog post!

  • Fear of Ridicule

Who would want to be ridiculed by your peers, friends, colleagues, — even your own family members if you start talking about your lightworker mission and the shit you have to put up with to execute it ☹? Or even if you attempt to describe to them what you see, hear, and experience – like conversing with your benevolent guides in the most unimaginable places or times, or even when you see the dark entities that visit and try to attack you at night :O?!

You don’t have to convince them to believe you. But just the thought of relating your paranormal experiences to them is a challenge by itself ☹.

What to Do in This Situation

Tip #1: Keep everything to yourself.

My shaman mentor Rhianna once taught me that one should keep the most important things about one’s goals, destinies, and hopes and fears to oneself only until they become true. What she meant was for me to be β€œmore discerning” to whom I share this information.

The reason for this extra cautiousness is that not all people can understand our most important goals and plans. Saving the world by being a lightworker might not be a practical solution to some people, even though they are your family members or even your best and closest friend/s.

For instance, when I announced to my family that I will leave corporate life and just retire to the mountains to follow my mission, they thought I was just doing these things to escape family responsibility – which was really far from the truth ☹! My dad was also sick at that time, but I just couldn’t throw all my entire life to the winds and be beside him all the time, even though this was traditionally expected of me and every son and daughter in the family in our little country.

So yes, I left home with a very heavy and sad heart ☹. But I just couldn’t leave my mission behind even though the only thing I wanted to do was stay beside my father ☹!

Tip #2: Meditate and Ask your Higher Dimensional Guides and Spirits for Wisdom & Protection

Okay, so you already figured out which of your darkest and most important secrets have to be kept nearest your heart πŸ˜‰. Well, what to do next or what path to take in your lightworking journey πŸ˜‰?

Might as well talk to your spiritual guides πŸ˜‰! Going into meditation is an easier way to contact and converse with your guides, so I would suggest learning and engaging in this.

Here is a video with a simple explanation of meditation and how to go about doing it: Β BEGINNER’S GUIDE TO MEDITATION Β» for a positive & productive day (part 1) (youtube.com)

Mindfulness Meditation for Beginners (Jason Stephenson) (youtube.com)

Tip #3: Join a Lightworker or Spiritual Group

Sometimes, you can feel better if you join a β€œspiritual or lightworker group” so you can compare notes and tips on how to proceed on your lightworking journey. This will greatly help those who feel β€œso alone” and sometimes β€œclueless” on how to go about their mission or journey.

Believe me, I have been through this road several times, and it does help if one has someone β€œhuman” and β€œphysically present” in this 3D world to talk to as well. He/She doesn’t have to be a lightworker but definitely someone spiritual, level-headed, logical, emotionally mature, and most especially, empathetic and open-minded to listen and understand what you’re going through and give or share the necessary advice to your problemπŸ˜‰!

Tip #4: Always use your β€œGut Feel” – Popularly known as Intuition – to Proceed with your Mission.

Nothing beats one’s intuition when you are beset with a dilemma or a problem on how to proceed with a task or how to come to a wise decision πŸ˜‰. Go to a quiet place, meditate, and think over your planned decision or course of action. It is good to be logical and level-headed about it. But do use caution and your gut feel to come to a satisfying and logical conclusion that you will not regret later.

I hope these practical tips will be of use to you in your journey. Remember that as a lightworker, one must continue to strive to help others understand their purpose and reason for being in this world – and act upon it πŸ˜‰!

I hope that you know that you are special, and that the light each one of us carry will bring us out of the quagmire that we are in 😊. Peace be with you and may your heart find the strength, love, abundance, and serenity that everyone is looking and hoping for 😊!

Love Your Neighbor & Eliminate Your Fear — a Reaction to the 2023 Israel vs. Palestine War!

Two hands reach for each other in front of the Jewish Holocaust Memorial in Berlin
“Love is all there is. There is nothing to fear!” In these trying times we should love our enemy, and strive to eliminate any fear in our persona. Photo of the Jewish Holocaust Memorial in Berlin courtesy of Toa Heftiba on Unsplash.

It is TIME!

It is TIME we open our minds to the reality that we are DIVINE BEINGS created by ONE SOURCE to help raise the consciousness and frequency of the planet to 5D status.

It is imperative that we wake up and realize that the only way we can “Save the planet” and us from utter destruction is through “LOVE and the Elimination of Fear”.


– Shamana in the Making


It has been quite a while since I last posted on my blog here πŸ˜‰. So, to give you some background, it is currently October 16, 2023 today on the island 😊.

We are 3 Β½ years past the pandemic and should be on our way to economic and social recovery.

However and as everyone is aware now, a war broke out between Ukraine and Russia sometime 1st quarter last year, plunging almost the whole world into utter economic and political chaos.

Still trying to recover from the grips of that economic and political fiasco, we are now plunged into another war – with our neighbors in the Middle East. Palestine through its terrorist group Hamas, had surprisingly attacked Israel, its long-term enemy and neighbor, with bombs and continuous gunfire at the Gaza strip border between the 2 countries.

As the world watches the carnage occurring between these 2 countries with the help of the traditional mainstream media and social media like YouTube and Facebook, one can only wonder how can we instill peace, serenity, and even just a bit of “normality” into our lives again? And how can we restore the planet to its pristine condition before we all messed up our planet’s environmental resources too :O?!

How can we lightworkers help our fellow human beings to love and help each other more?

The Formula for Enlightenment

Step 1: I believe the very first step of this “Formula for Enlightenment” which is just a fancy name for the exact simple ways to raise us from this deplorable muck that we are in (Yes, we are equally guilty and responsible for the wars and hate and persecution that are happening globally now ☹!), is to realize that “We belong to ONE Earth-based family, no matter what our lineage is!”.

Referring to the short quote I posted in the box at the beginning of this post, we, as in all human beings on this earth, regardless of his/her nationality, age, skin color, language, religious and social affiliation, etc., must be treated the same as other species on this planet.

We are definitely made of the same building blocks of matter – proton, neutron, quark, etc. and the energy – hopefully positive – that moves all of us to action and repose. We have only One Creator, otherwise called “God, Yahweh, Allah, Jehovah, etc.” who created us and put us on this planet and this 3rd dimensional plane of existence to live and thrive.

Since we are given all the blessings and the elements to lead a bountiful, healthy, and joyous life, it is assumed that the natural progression for mankind on Earth is to love, respect, and cherish one another – ultimately raising their soul consciousness to a higher level/higher plane than what we have now. In simple terms, that means possessing the “good & admirable qualities” of being loving, joyous, charitable, understanding, patient, kind, compassionate, positively inclined and focused, etc.

These qualities are associated also with beings existing in the 5th dimension and upwards (It has been assumed that the higher the dimension a being exists in, the more advanced and humane it is, as well as its relationships with the citizens of his/her plane of existence; see my post on “What is the 5th dimension” here: Ascension Starts in the Mind – shamana in the making (wordpress.com)

Unfortunately, our race’s propensity for wars, disagreements, and intimidations is giving us a hard time elevating our consciousness. But, the situation is not hopeless.

So what is the solution to eliminating all the bad incidents that are happening to not only our personal lives right now but also other species and entities of the world?

Step 2: Eliminate Fear and Love One Another

When I seriously started to follow this lightworking mission I was born into, I was ordered by my higher dimensional guides to “eliminate fear in my body AT ALL TIMES. Naturally, I balked at the order because I could only imagine all the – what I perceived then – were “unsurmountable obstacles” along the way in the elimination of fear.

Fear, in this context, encompasses all the negative thoughts, attitudes, behavior, predispositions, perceptions, etc. we tend to harbor and the emotions and inclinations that are generated from it. From as profound and complicated as the current fear of neo-Nazis, terrorists, and corrupt politicians to the fear of spiders, cockroaches, and even hunger and lack of basic essential goods, FEAR compels humanity to do dire things in reaction to it – like kill people to protect themselves and their beliefs, to harboring prejudices against certain ethnic races and minority groups on the planet.

So I’m saying this again as I have written about it countless times here in my blog: the ONLY ONE AND EFFECTIVE WAY we can lessen and probably eradicate the hate and carnage that seems to engulf the planet right now is to LOVE ONE ANOTHER, no matter how different that someone or some animal or entity is.

And when we LOVE ONE ANOTHER, we also automatically eradicate the FEAR that compels us to do horrendous things πŸ˜‰! Remember, the Reptilians or “Rs” for short, magnify those fears in our minds – to their advantage! And if we fall prey to those fears, that would be the beginning of another hate trend leading to another hate crime.

I have said this again and perhaps, I will never get tired of reminding everyone about it 😊.

Namaste and have a great start to the week πŸ˜‰!

Ascension Starts in the Mind

We all go through a transfiguration when we ascend to the 5th dimension.
The image above is a surreal oil painting made by the famous surrealism painter Salvador Dali. Titled “Cruxificion”, I call it more as a “Transfiguration” — representing the process by which a person’s physical, emotional, mental & spiritual transformation during the ascension process to 5D. Do you agree ;)?! Photo courtesy of SalvadorDali.org.

I was rummaging through my old blog files today – and found this ;)! It was an old blog post that I had written in the very first year that I started my blog, which was 2015, and forgot to publish. The title was β€œAscension starts in the Mind”, and it was written when talk of Ascending to the 5th dimension was all the rave then (it probably still is ;)!).

Now the rave is all these talk about covid epidemics and the economic and political impact of the war between the Ukraine and Russia on the countries of the world. But, we need to start thinking about this topic now, or else we miss the bus to our Ascension ;)!

I need to point out that the 2017 β€œdirty bombs” incident was evaded in our current timeline. This might have been the result of many light beings’ and lightworkers’ tremendous efforts to change the timeline for the better! The good news is the dreaded event, which was prophesied – and remoteviewed before by yours truly πŸ˜‰ – Β never happened – and I hope will never ever happenJ! Good thing ;)!

Below is the entire text of the unpublished blog post with some recent upgrades/additions from myself πŸ˜‰:

Almost 2 years ago, before I met my mentors and spiritual advisers, I encountered the word β€œPlanetary Ascension” in my readings but never gave it a second thought. Planetary Ascension, from my limited knowledge of it, was a concept being touted initially by New Age people and one I learned from the Kryon channeled information (all learned from the Internet and fortunetellers and psychics I used to consult BEFORE I received the call to be a shamana).

Of course, more than 20 years ago when I also heard the word β€œAscension” from a psychic fortuneteller who was also a devout Buddhist, I never thought about joining a collective of people from our planet Earth – or β€œTerra” as we fondly call our planet — to β€œheed the call to ascend to a higher dimension”, namely the β€œ5th dimension”, from our very limited and current three dimensional plane.

That all changed when I encountered my benevolent, higher dimensional guides who advised me to read the book of Alex Collier – β€œDefending Sacred Ground”, particularly on the parts or chapters focusing on β€œHow the concept of Ascension started”, and β€œWhy Terran humans must strive to Ascend from this limited 3rd dimensional plane we’re in”.

Alex, in his book, introduced and explained to us who are the TPTB, the so-called β€œThe Powers that Be” – all the members of dark, evil, and malevolent organizations, both terrestrial and extraterrestrial in origin, residing on Earth who have always wanted to keep Terra’s residents on a lower vibrational level in order to thwart the inevitable raising of the planet’s vibrational frequency. You see, Alex, quoting his dear Andromedan friend Vissaeus, was informed by said extraterrestrial friend that starting in the year 1994, a totally new high frequency sound emanated from all the galaxies and black holes of our universe.

According to Vissaeus, this sound emanated from β€œOne Source” or β€œThe Divine Source” who is personified here on Earth as β€œGaia or Mother Earth” (think of Terra/Earth as not just a whole sphere of rocks, water and atmosphere but also a β€œliving being”— breathing and thinking just like ourselves!). Gaia/Mother Earth is already in the process of ascending to a higher dimensional plane – bringing along her children – US – with her.

However, as mentioned above, to be able to ascend, one must exhibit a high vibrational state similar to 5D beings. Beings or entities in 5D, some not humanoid in form, are vibrating higher than 3D beings because they are much less dense than us (5th dimensional beings are crystalline in composition, while 3rd dimensional beings like us are still carbon-based, one of the basic buildings blocks of life on Terra).

So, you might be asking, β€œSo what if we’re carbon-based and those 5D beings are crystalline-based?”. That is precisely the point! When one’s body is already crystalline-based as a result of Ascension, you will be vibrating highly, and that means your frequency is also higher.

At a higher vibrational state, particularly in 5D, beings are also much more open and demonstrate love and compassion, joy, peace and enlightenment, and all the other β€œpositive” emotional, spiritual, physical, and psychological states that can be attributed to the Divine Source.

That is why individuals like Alex Collier and Inelia Benz are working doubly hard to raise people’s frequencies through lectures, books, videos and online videos (you can check them out on YouTube) in order to meet the deadline of 2017. Because according to Inelia and Alex, by the year 2017, there might be attempts by The Other Side and their affiliates to thwart this natural course of planetary ascension of the Earth and its inhabitants by instigating β€œfalse landings by alleged benevolent ETs” and the destruction of certain highly populated cities by β€œdirty bombs” – small weapons of mass destruction that can be hidden inside a suitcase and detonated by remote (the β€œdirty bombs” info was provided by an infamous, anti-TPTB lightworker called The Former White Hat, an ex-US military intelligence guy formerly involved in black ops who is now fighting against the TPTB).

But why should one bother to ascend at all?

I was asked this question once by a friend whom I was trying to explain the Ascension Process. I told her that personally, I’d like to ascend and live in a 5D environment because everyone operates on a β€œheart-centered and heart-focused existence” there while working on their personal commitment of β€œService to Others Before Self”. Everyone studies hard and works hard to help others and in the process, raise one’s frequency. If you are exhibiting a high vibrational frequency akin to 5D, then you can ascend – of course with the right intention.

Also in 5D, there’s hardly any want of anything. Fifth dimensional planets and their inhabitants are the coolest places to live in, as all your bodily, mental and spiritual needs are met. You even get to meet your soulmate/twin soul in 5D ;)!

So, what do we have to do to commence our Ascension Process?

I have already mentioned these tips on how to jumpstart your Ascension Process by Inelia Benz in a previous blog post: https://shamanainthemaking.wordpress.com/2022/01/11/learning-the-basics-of-ascension-from-arcturian-contactee-self-empowerment-guru-inelia-benz/ . I list them down again below for you to remember and keep at heart:

  1. Raise your personal vibration by processing your fear (full text of Inelia’s fear processing exercise in this link: https://ineliabenz.com/self-empowerment-resources/fear-processing-exercise-transcript/ ). You can also download the MP3 file of this exercise from her blogsite for a minimal fee.
  2. Elevate your physical vibration via a regular detoxification program, drinking pure water (chemical-free), and eating high vibrational foods (plant-based foods, fruits, fish, white meat is also allowed as long as the animal it came from was not violently killed nor tortured, etc.).
  3. Twenty minutes minimum of daily silent meditation (can also be β€œmindfulness meditation”) will be good for your mental, spiritual, and even physical health.
  4. Balance and get in tune with your physical and etheric bodies. You can sign up under her Ascension101 Course to achieve this (link here: https://ineliabenz.com/living-on-earth-tools/how-to-get-rid-of-negative-energy-and-raise-your-vibration/ ), or look for other tools on the internet.
  5. Ask to fully incarnate your β€œHigher Self” into your present physical body. And process any thoughts of doubt or inability that come up when you read that.

My Inputs into the Ascension Process

This is what I can contribute to the Ascension Process discussion: Β β€œIntend that you are going to Ascend and throw that intention into the Universe with full conviction!” Because Ascension, also according to Inelia, is more of a β€œCreation, than a Location”. We INTEND to be able to ASCEND. We cannot ascend if there is no Intention to raise ourselves beyond the limiting configurations of Earthly three-dimensional existence.

Remember, β€œAscension literally starts in your mind”! I think THEREFORE I AM ;)”!

It pays to help ascend if we are a) Aware that we are β€œInfinite, Divine beings” that are capable of being good and doing good, and b) We intend our Ascension to β€œhigher dimensions of love, compassion, charity to others, peace and enlightenment” to be easy and hassle-free.

Among the Tibetan Buddhas and Boddhisatvas, each Tibetan mantra chanted in their honor always mentions our Divine Origins and includes an invocation to be β€œenlightened” for the sake of the souls of all sentient beings not only here on Terra Earth but also in the entire universe. Because once we are β€œenlightened”, we raise our frequencies to be similar to that of the frequency of 5D beings, and we also become beings that can help raise the frequencies of other sentient beings.

So are the above-mentioned great reasons to ascend? I believe they are! Just keep in mind that Ascension is a β€œpersonal process” and therefore, each person may have a unique and personal experience of ascension different from all the others.

Moreover, I managed to unearth this e-book about β€œHow to Ascend” that I downloaded a long time ago from the popularly established In5D website. I believe you can learn not only about the Ascension Process but also the ropes on how to do it from this e-book. It takes a while to read though J.

Here is the e-book:Β  How-to-Ascend-the-eBook

Disclaimer:Β  I am not a sales agent, PR guy, or profiting in any way with endorsing the courses of Inelia Benz and Ascension101.com here in my blog. I am endorsing them because I have been personally acquainted with Inelia’s works and her efforts to help lift the frequency of the planet and its inhabitants for almost a decade. All her lectures, lessons, tools and techniques that I’ve encountered have all been helpful in helping me and countless others understand the concept and mechanics of 5th Dimensional Ascension and following the β€œPath of the Lightworker”. But do be discerning as I encourage everyone to be and check out her blog:Β  Ascension101.com and decide for yourself.

Finding Peace & Happiness in the Chaos: How to Have a Life during A Pandemic!

Are we ready to live a life during a pandemic? Photos courtesy of Tom Barrett, Matteo Jorjoson and the Blowup from Unsplash.com.

You might be surprised but this is my 3rd draft of a topic that I had been avoiding to write – my life during this almost endless covid pandemic and how did I manage to survive unscathed, healthy, and covid-free up to now ;)!

So you might be wondering what happened to me during the past 1 Β½ years of the most destructive global calamity ever, discounting The Black Death which wiped about 60% of the European population in the 14th century?

No, I didn’t get covid during the past 1 Β½ years, although there were some close calls. But I thought about sharing with you how I survived and continue to survive the impact of the pandemic and how you can too ;)!

A Retrospective of Events in the Last 1 Β½ Years of the Pandemic

When the covid pandemic and the subsequent lockdown of borders between all countries occurred in late March 2020, I had the fortune – or misfortune – of being in Bangkok on business. Traveling in-between Thailand and Laos at that time, I barely made it to Bangkok before the borders between Thailand and Laos started to close.

With Thailand’s land borders closed including the cessation of international flights incoming and outgoing of the country, I was technically stuck in Bangkok — until a repatriation flight could be organized to bring us back to our island-nation.

So I had no choice but stay in Bangkok for 6 months, watching all that was happening to my country through social media and YouTube. It was the only thing I could do during those grief-stricken months when almost everyone you know, whether in your home country or outside, had to face the devastation caused by the covid virus on our health, our economy, our everyday life, and our sanity.

Coping with the Pandemic in the Land of Smiles

Frankly, being stuck in Bangkok for six months during the pandemic would have been considered β€œheaven” to most of my fellow compatriots. Thailand has an excellent and advanced health care system, and although the country was one of the first ones who identified the existence of the covid virus among the population, it quelled the further rise of covid cases in the country through stringent medical methods and strict observance of anti-covid protocols.

With strict anti-covid protocols in place and an economy that was still operating and providing for almost 70 million Thai people, living in Thailand during the pandemic was not as bad as living in an island with less medical facilities capable of handling covid cases. We were allowed a measure of freedom to go around and do our normal daily things in Thailand, like buying food in groceries and takeouts, and traveling from one province to the other. That lent a β€œfeeling of normalcy” to me despite the circumstances.

But living far from loved ones and friends takes its toll on your mental health as well L. Not that the Thais are not kind or accommodating to foreigners. It was the news that we were getting from the homeland that frightened and put me in a β€œflight or fight mode” which took its toll on my peace of mind and my usual composure during horrible timesL!

Holding on to Sanity

Part of the threat of β€œlosing one’s composure and sanity” during the pandemic was the feeling of β€œhelplessness” when friends and family members who were struck by the covid virus passed away without being able to give proper goodbyes to their loved ones. During that whole period including this year, I lost 4 relatives – two of them cousins younger than myself, one aunt and one favorite uncle, and a former boss at work. And a host of other friends who passed away due to complications with covid L!

My Formula for Coping with the Covid Pandemic

It all boils down to 3 important aspects of our persona: Physical, Mental, and Spiritual.

Let me start off with the β€œMental Aspect”.

* Personally, I believe having a β€œholistic and firm grasp” of the whole pandemic is important in beating the problem. True, the situation is fraught with anxiety and worries – β€œHow can I work and feed my family while under lockdown?”, β€œHow can I fight off the disease?”, β€œHow can I remain calm and not be panicky for 1 Β½ years?”, etc.

These are typical questions that plagued our minds not only during this covid pandemic but also in the wake of previous serious global events! Even the news of watching Afghanistan being invaded and taken over by the Taliban also brings havoc to our nervesL!

So the key to coping with issues that challenge our mind is β€œto cultivate a Presence of Mind to perceive, understand, and accept that all these things happening to us are just part of The Matrix”!

For some of you who might not have had the opportunity to read my previous blog post here: https://shamanainthemaking.wordpress.com/2015/12/26/our-holographic-universe-and-the-truth-about-3d-reality/ about β€œThe Matrix”, then let me explain that β€œThe Matrix” happens to be this world, this Earth we are living in now is just an β€œillusionary world”, a world that was artificially made and controlled by the bad old Reptilians and other entities similar to their kind!

And if we are suffering now due to covid, or predatory wars like the one in Afghanistan, or being boiled in our plastic filth and environmental malpractices resulting to β€œGlobal Climate Change”, you can only credit most of our suffering to the instigators of chaos, unhappiness, anger, torture, despair, aggression, sadness, and other negative emotions, namely the Reptilians or Rs, as we fondly call them L!!

So, the 2nd important point that I want to emphasize about the Matrix is that we can break free of this β€œillusion of the Matrix” by taking charge of our destiny, our fate! And once we take charge of our destiny, we can mould also The Matrix as we see fit.

Which brings us to the next point!

* Once we take charge of our ability to create or shape our destiny in The Matrix, then it also follows that we can also manage the β€œPhysical Aspect” of our bodies ;)! Let me explain how that goes.

Once we implant into our minds and our consciousness that we are the creators of our destiny, as Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism says, we can dictate how our bodies should act.

For instance, if we believe that our bodies are made of the toughest material and that it can withstand or surpass any form of disease or illness, then our bodies follow our minds and become as tough and indestructible as we want it to be.

A cool, concrete example is when I programmed my subconscious mind to believe that I am not only healthy and disease-free but also that covid will never infect me or my brain, then I become physically immune and resistant to covid!

I also have this technique of using β€œtriggers” to enable my brain to fully believe that I am immune to covid.

I go out daily during the early days of the pandemic to buy or eat cooked spicy and sour foods for lunch and dinner. That would include eating a lot of chilies (mainly raw or cooked with my viand), to build up my immunity against any disease.

By eating these chilies and having sour foods like tropical fruits to round up my immunity-boosting diet daily, I was successful in fending off covid even when I was going out of my flat daily in Thailand ;)!

* Take care of the β€œSpiritual Aspect” of yourself, even if you’re not spiritual ;)!

A psychological study of people who have cancer and had to undergo Western-style medical treatments yielded the result that those who are engaged in religion and spirituality even prior to their cancer diagnoses tend to outlive the cancer or survive longer than those who are not.

It then follows, as I interpret it that is, that those who are spiritual or religious in nature tend to have a greater fighting chance of coping with dire circumstances, such as pandemics and other global catastrophes. One of the reasons attributed to this is that spiritual or religious people usually have a β€œsupport group or support system” to back them up when things really go down.

I personally am not affiliated with any religious group or sect. However, I do consider myself a β€œspiritual” person. I am also a great believer and follower of Buddhism, which technically is not a religion but a way of seeing, understanding, and coping with life using various teachings by the founder of Buddhism, the great Gautama Buddha ;).

Buddhism espouses that what you focus on in this life becomes your reality. So if you keep on focusing on the problem always at hand, like the pandemic, then that becomes your reality!

Let’s not focus on death or the end of humanity, even though the problem is Illuminati-instigated (more on that in another blog post πŸ˜‰ ).

Some Final Words of Advice

So, as mentioned previously, take care of your mental, physical, and spiritual aspect, for they will be tried greatly in this pandemic. Just to mention that by managing all three aspects of our persona, we can manage our emotional state of affairs – and be less anxious and worried about what the future will bring!

I hope you still remember to have a great time despite the world’s current state of affairs! See you!

Note: Remember to push the subscribe button down here if you’d like to be informed of my upcoming blog posts ;)! Have a wonderful day!

Can You Drag Everyone Kicking and Screaming into the New Human Consciousness?

Can I Drag You into the New Human Consciousness
Humanity needs to adopt a “New Human Consciousness” in order to improve personally and advance into a new paradigm-shifting reality!

Let me answer that eye-opening question I laid out for you in my rather β€œin-your-face title”! The answer is NO, you can’t or better, you shouldn’t drag everyone kicking and screaming into the β€œNew Human Consciousness”.

Why? Because all of us earthlings or β€œTerran humans” in β€œExopolitics speak”, have been gifted by Our Creator what we call a β€œfree will”. Free will to decide what is best for us. Free will to accept what is not only true for us but also what resonates well with us.

And free will to choose the β€œreality” that we are comfortable living in OR resonates well with our current beliefs and values.

The Nightmare that is β€œFree Will”

The problem with the β€œfree will” thingy is that too much of FREEDOM leads sometimes to excess, and thereby, misuse of those freedoms in so much so that other species, both human, animal, or even non-human, are already impacted negatively by our use of too much free will. Case in point is that of the continuous misuse and exploitation of the environment.

Here in the islands, pristine jungles, abundant wildlife, verdant forests, and bountiful seas are pillaged, over-used, and exploited to feed the greed of men for material things and things that satisfy and support their obsession for power.

While people point the finger accusingly at BIG CORPORATIONS and greedy businessmen as the culprits behind all these plundering, hardly anyone realizes that the small woodcutter who chops down the 100-year-old trees for the large furniture shop in the village as β€œpart of that team” that just murdered a whole ecosystem. And that ecosystem, if left alone to grow, could have prevented the massive floods that are now inundating your island – damaging houses, crops, businesses, livestock, etc. in its path.

Too many people wash their hands of their β€œresponsibility” to chip in to save the environment, passing on the buck to other people who are supposed to be the culprits behind the denudation of the forest. They are so wrong!

Or have you ever raised your voice to protect not only just your children but all the people impacted by dangerous drugs and/or harmful chemicals in our food from even more evil-minded people, namely powerful institutions or corporations who produce those drugs/food/other harmful products?

The Need for a New Human Consciousness

Okay, so now that you must have realized that to maintain the ecological balance of our planet and its inhabitants, we need to chip in our little bit in preserving and conserving the only planet we’ve got. Β Β Do you think this new so-called β€œperspective” that we have of Terran life and our roles in it what the human collective call β€œthe New Human Consciousness”?

Well yeah – but that touches only a little bit of what’s required from us to hack the Matrix that we are in, including surviving ecological disasters like pandemics – and personal disasters ;)!

The New Human Consciousness ideally should cover the following:

* A New, More β€œEngaged Conscience”

This involves not only being more concerned with our family members, friends, colleagues, etc., but also covers acquaintances and the random man-on-the-street to the detriment of our personal safety sometimes. This consists of keeping a firm grasp of issues and fighting for those issues that are dear and important to us but not in a way that it arbitrarily destroys the rights and beliefs of others.

A clear example of this would be the anti-vaxers like Ms. Brandy Vaughan who fought for the right of people to know what big pharma manufacturers include in their vaccines, whether there are synthetic chemicals or other dangerous elements there. Even though she was a former corporate marketing person for Merck’s Vioxx painkiller, a drug that was taken off the shelves because it was found to increase the likelihood of strokes and heart attacks, she fought for the education and enlightenment of a lot of Americans regarding the dangerous effects of drugs that big pharma companies are manufacturing & marketing.

Because of Ms. Vaughan’s fight against the machinations of β€œThe Powers that Be”, she was constantly hounded and harassed by unidentified morons who broke into her house and tapped her phones, and culminating to her very disturbing and suspicious sudden death recently, supposedly due to gallbladder problems. But her close friend said that even though she had gallbladder problems, Ms. Vaughan looked fine a few days before her death.

We need people like Ms. Vaughan who was willing to fight for consumer rights and expose the real truth behind the most common drugs in the world. I just wish that there were more of her at this time πŸ™‚ .

* All of Us are Connected!

In the eyes of The Creator, all of us are β€œHis creations”. Therefore, we should not fight against each other and strive to live in harmony with not just other humans but also with nature and the lower animals (dogs, cats, hippos, birds, etc.).

This β€œconnectedness” to all of His creations is apparent when we destroy nature, like our oceans. When the human population started dumping their trash into the sea, this dumping affected the animals living in the sea. Thus, the population of dolphins, whales, seals, and other ocean-based creatures are affected resulting to a decrease in their population.

We may not feel the effects of the demise of certain animals in the sea or land now, not yet. But our children and our childrens’ children certainly will.

In fact, because of the pollution of our seas, some very important crustaceans and sea-dwelling animals’ populations have gone down and affected our food supply from the sea. This certainly will affect our diets and our propagation as a land-dwelling entity.

If we just realize that all our actions also may adversely affect other species on this planet, then we will be able to understand why the survival of the human species really depends on this interconnectedness with other species, here on terra firma and probably on other planets.

* A Lot of Positivity

Positivity has, time and again, helped many people go through rough and not so rough times. Now that the world is still struggling with a pandemic with not just livelihoods but basic operations of countries being affected, having an attitude and mindset of positivity is what we really need to adopt.

But in general, always having a positive attitude and a positively-inclined mindset is recommendable in any type of situation. In my experience, possessing positivity clearly raises one’s vibrational frequency. A high frequency makes you more resistant and fool-proof against negative forces or entities trying to influence or attack you ;).

Of course, not everyone is being attacked or is up for attack by negative entities, I hope ;). Still, having a positive attitude certainly is a trait that one has to emulate to survive these very turbulent times.

* Kindness & Compassion to Others

Okay, so now you have the positivity, the knowledge that we are all connected regardless of the species, and that we need to be β€œinvolved” and not β€œapathetic” towards the problems of our species but also the world. Rounding out the list of things that may characterize our New Human Consciousness is β€œKindness and Compassion” to all living things, regardless of species.

This is one characteristic that a lot of people I have encountered seem to fall short of. Sometimes, it’s just the simple things that we do such as being kind and compassionate to others, including animals, that indicate how advanced are we as a species in the evolutionary ladder.

Why do we need to be kind and compassionate to others? Isn’t the answer as obvious as the light of day :O?

As I have discussed above, we are all The Creator’s creations. There is nothing higher or lower than us. We are all equal in terms of needing love and being extended or extending kindness and compassion to others.

It is by being kind and compassionate that we really show our benevolent nature to everyone. And that applies to any situation, whether there is a pandemic or not.

* Never Lose Faith in Humanity ;)!

Finally, even with all the limitations, mistakes, and negative traits and frailties of Terran humans, we certainly cannot lose faith in the good of humanity. This also implies that since humans are pretty much β€œflawed” when they started living in our three-dimensional world, we should be willing to forgive them nonetheless for their mistakes.

This message was communicated to me several times by my Boss who kept on picking out the β€œForgiveness” card while reading my tarot deck. And although my Boss became a former Boss because she had to let go of me and choose another, I still forgave her for that.

We cannot always be the perfect specimens of creation. But we can strive to provide the best and the most complimentary traits we can muster to generate the β€œNew Human Consciousness” that will propel us to the next millennium.

How to Remove the β€œNegative Program” In Your Mind — Understanding the Nature of The Matrix We are In and How to Hack It Part I

What if that head of yours was inherently and genetically β€œwired” to have a limited view of reality? What if all of us three-dimensional humans were genetically wired to have only this limited view of reality because some other species have been manipulating our genes – and especially our β€œminds” — to limit our view of the world – our physical space, the foods and drinks we eat every day, the work we had to finish today, the uncle who came to visit yesterday, the boyfriend you went to watch the movie you saw yesterday, the doctor you consulted last week for your so-called auto-immune disease, etc.

I am pretty sure you will be coming back with an answer such as, β€œIsn’t that the main concept of the 3-part β€œThe Matrix” series of movies starring Keanu Reeves and Laurence Fishburne? That we are all in a Matrix-like world created for us by some other A.I.-based species – and that we are all slaves to the creators of that world?

Okay, so what is my point in saying this? Basically my point is that if your view of reality is not that great now, meaning you have bills to pay, or you got kicked out of your bread-and-butter job, or your boyfriend or husband left you for a younger, gorgeous-looking gal, etc. – then do not fret your mind over these things! Most of the time, we keep on β€œlosing” or β€œfalling” or being just downright unlucky or depressed in life because there is a β€œprogram” wired into our brains, our minds by the Creators of the β€œreality” that we are currently in. This so-called β€œreality” of ours is a configuration of theirs, of their needs to feed off our negative emotions and thoughts.

I am talking about the Reptilians or β€œRs” as we fondly call them ;). And they’re nasty as hell 😦 (see my previous blog posts on the nature of the Rs here: https://shamanainthemaking.wordpress.com/2016/04/17/how-the-rs-keep-your-frequency-down/ .

How did the Program Get There in the First Place?

In previous blog posts, I have mentioned β€œThe Matrix” view of reality that all humanity, unfortunately, are in in this 3rd dimensional world on Earth: https://shamanainthemaking.wordpress.com/2015/12/26/our-holographic-universe-and-the-truth-about-3d-reality/ . Basically, the concept is that the Rs and their other partners in crime who, unfortunately, are also other negatively inclined beings existing both in 3rd and 5th dimensional worlds, banded together to create this artificial β€œreality” we are in to ensure that Terran humans become an unending source of β€œnegative emotions” for these Rs to feed on.

Yes, to feed on – you heard that right L! Because the Rs use our negative emotions like a β€œmarijuana drug” to keep themselves going in our world. To ensure that the Rs have an unending supply of these negative emotions, ideas, and perceptions, each person who is born into this 3rd dimensional reality has been β€œprogrammed” already to carry negative thoughts and emotions even way before they are born.

Not only that, our current reality, meaning the society and other external aspects of our world today, have been programmed to carry negative concepts and ideas to synch with the negative programming we have in our heads since birth. This β€œmalevolent environment” that we are born into is the perfect β€œhotbed” or β€œfertile ground” for the negative programming that we are born into from Day 1 of our existence on Earth.

So where is the evidence that there is really this negative Matrix manipulated by the Rs that we are existing in?

My Personal Experiences in the Matrix!

First of all, I had several weird experiences moving and feeling my way around The Matrix when my 3rd eye started opening up some 8 years ago. When I was agitated, all the little insects and animals that I was afraid of, such as large household spiders, would just appear in my room even though I was pretty sure they weren’t around in the first place because I insulated my room enough to keep these little creepy crawlies out ;)!

I also experienced one of the very first incidents which cemented my perception of The Matrix as this reality that was synthetically created by the Reptilians. It also proved to me that with our β€œMinds” we can also mould The Matrix according to our needs and whims.

I was staying in a seaside resort with Mentor #1 over the Christmas holidays during a particular time when we were constantly on the move to evade the Rs. At that time, I was constantly chanting my Tibetan Buddhist Sanskrit mantras every day and at least 3x-4x a day. I was taught by Mentor #1 and by my higher dimensional mentors that by chanting these mantras, we could effect a β€œphenomenal change” in The Matrix including the life that we wanted to lead.

So on this particular morning (I made it a point to usually chant at the break of dawn, which is sometime between 5 am to 6:30 am every day), I took out a chair, propped myself up on the balcony running beside our hotel room, and started chanting my usual Tibetan Sanskrit mantras while facing the fantastic beauty of the beach and the magnificent rising sun.

While chanting, I noticed a group of fishermen hauling a large net to shore. Now, this part of the island was known for β€œdead seas” almost devoid of fish because of the non-existence of corals L. Fishermen here were used to dragging nets along the ocean floor, thus destroying most of the corals there – the basic requirement for fishes to stay and thrive in the area L!

During the previous day, the fishermen hauled almost no fish in the large net they had been dragging near the shore. So I was thinking, since it was January 1, the start of the New Year, I chanted for a better catch for the fishermen to start off the year right ;)!

The Miracle of the Fishes!Β 

After doing a couple of rounds of chanting, I decided to go down to the beach below before breakfast to see if the fishermen’s catch this morning was better than yesterday (it was still 6:30 thereabouts in the morning then!).

When I almost got to the water’s edge, I suddenly saw people excitedly running up to the beach, carrying plastic bags and large plastic containers. I was really intrigued as to what was happening!

It didn’t take long to see what occurred. Apparently, the fishermen were surprised not only with their catch but with the fishes’ behavior in going near to shore, which they hardly do now because of the lack of corals. In fact, there was so much fish jumping around the net that the fishermen called out to the townspeople huddling near the beach to bring more containers to carry the fish in.

So this is when the miraculous thing happened ;)! While I was standing there at the water’s edge with my feet in about water that came just slightly above my ankles, two small fishes swam to my location. I remembered that they were of the flat variety, about only 4-5 inches long, oval-shaped, and very thin (we fry this kind of fish to perfection and tastes not only good but crunchy as well!).

So I was wondering why they were so friendly because both of them stopped swimming just beside my ankles, as if they were in suspended animation there in the water.

So, I became mighty curious! It was like I was in a dream-like state because the next thing I instinctively did was I slowly plunged my left hand into the water, just below the fish calmly swimming next to me, and scooped it out of the water. It lay calmly on the palm of my hand, not moving at all.

While I was going through this surreal occurrence, I was already wondering what I was going to do with the fish, since it just lay there flat on the palm of my hand. I slowly approached one of the girls who was carrying a plastic bag full of fish and asked her, β€œWould you like another fish to take home?”.

The girl was wondering why I didn’t want the fish calmly resting on the palm of my hand, so I told her it’s because I don’t have a bag to put it in. So I calmly put the resting – or mesmerized — fish in the girl’s plastic bag (the fish was still not moving and seemed to be in suspended animation).

Right before I left the beach, I took a look at the water – and saw my mermaid friend β€œYena” there swimming and waving to me from afar ;)! I waved back to her and thanked her profusely for sending all those fishes to the fishermen to catch ;)!

Later on when I was having breakfast, I thought deeply about the incident. I gathered that all that chanting somehow β€œaltered” the Matrix at that particular moment to enable me to catch the fish without it acting like any other fish. I was flabbergasted by the incident and told my Mentor about it ;)!

In conclusion: this incident couldn’t have happened without the mantra chanting I did, and my β€œintention” to help the fishermen to have something wonderful on New Year’s Day! And it happened surprisingly ;)!

This is how we manifest and create something in The Matrix :)!

To be continued in Part 2!

Photo courtesy of Jason Hinrichsen for Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@jayson_hinrichsenΒ 

5 Tips to Remember to Get Yourself Unstuck from a 3D Existence

Getting unstuck from a 3D existence is not easy but it’s possible :)! Read my 5 tips on how to live the life you want everyday!

Initially, I meant this article to be a career advice article, recommending people on how to get out of a career rut. You know – the type when you feel like you’ve done everything you can to apply for a job you really wanted or dreamed about – and you don’t think you’ll get it because of this factor and that factor?

Or that too many things are in the way – like your laptop broke down and you can’t send that resume to a prospective employer without it :O!

I know – they’re petty things sometimes, as petty as the time when your neighbor didn’t take out the trash when the garbage truck came by and you had to do the yucky chore of dragging out their garbage for them – without any thanks from the neighbor L.

Yes, these seem to be very trifling things to worry over or even get mad about sometimes. But what if they bog you down? What if these things, no matter how trivial, actually prohibit you from vibrating highly and raising your frequency on a daily basis and be happy and serene like in 5D?

Is there something we can do to be out of this rut, to be calmer and composed in order to look at the problem and our existence from the perspective of a 5D individual – and solve it with love & compassion?

So here goes –

TIP #1:Β  Attain a state of calm composure and a β€œmind & body” free of negative thoughts and feelings through Meditation

You can’t think clearly about a situation or extricate yourself from a rut if your mind is not in a calm & clear state. Too many thoughts going through your mind! Aside from that, there is always this β€œconstant chatter” that may be keeping your mind from thinking clearly.

Meditation helps keep your mind calm and composed. I try to do it daily but I do get some lapses sometimes. My technique is pretty simple:Β  observing my breathe going in and out. When you exhale or breathe out, breathe out all the negative emotions, thoughts, fears, disappointments, sadness, etc. from your body.

On the inhalation part or when you breathe in, breathe in all the good thoughts, blessings, positive thoughts and positive energy that you get or receive from your immediate surroundings or, from the Universe.

I learned this technique from a book I read written by the famous Malaysian Buddhist feng shui expert Lilian Too. It was also a technique passed on to her by her Buddhist llama teacher.

Lilian even added an additional technique to the exercise. On the inhalation part, imagine that you are receiving a surge of positive energy or attained a field of positive energy from holy objects like a Buddhist stupa, the crystals on your home altar or even from Mother Gaia, our Planet Earth!

TIP #2:Β  Free yourself from negative thoughts and energies!

Easier said than done. However, the quickest way to get yourself unstuck from any negative situation you are in is to rid yourself of negative thoughts and vibrations. How?

Inelia Benz has a specific meditation exercise to do that here: https://ascension101.com/en/ascension-tools/33-ascension-tools/105-fear-processing-exercise.html. You can also download the audio version of this meditation through her online store.

One technique I use to facilitate or speed up the process of removing constant negative thoughts that invade my mind is to think of all the things that I am grateful for at that very moment. It could be that I still have perfect or near perfect health that enables me to work every day. It can also be as simple as having enough money to eat 3 healthy meals a day and a roof over my head.

It could also be the benefit of having a friend to listen to me and help me through my darkest moments. All those happy moments generated from acts of gratefulness everyday help us get through a 3D rut, believe me ;)!

TIP #3:Β  Replace your negative thoughts and mindset with positive thoughts and energies!

Now that you’ve emptied your mind and body of negative thoughts and energies, it is now time to fill it with β€œpositive thoughts, feelings and energies”! I call this stage the β€œempowerment stage”.

One of the organizations that have actually helped me cope with a constant stream of negative thoughts and negative conditioning from past experiences is MindValley and its amazing, charismatic leader Vishen Lakhiani. If you notice, MindValley has posted numerous self-empowerment videos on its Youtube Channel. These videos have sustained me through my darkest moments sometimes – and it is something I’d like to share with you.

Aside from Vishen who has delivered numerous talks on how he started his small MindValley business and grew it to be 200-man strong (watch his videos here: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=vishen+lakhiani+mindvalley), there is another speaker who has shared a simple but very effective technique to galvanize ourselves to generate positive thoughts and energies. That person is psychologist/therapist Marisa Peer and her β€œI AM ENOUGH” mantra.

By saying β€œI AM ENOUGH” every so often every day, we condition our minds to think positively – that we are β€œdivine beings” who are having a 3D existence – and with that divinity inherent in ourselves, WE CAN DO ANYTHING πŸ™‚!

In fact, our detractors and even negative entities have tried through millennia to prevent mankind from realizing this truth – which we, as β€œdivine beings”, can MANIFEST everything that we want. All we need to do, according to metaphysician and life coach Joe Vitale, is to β€œdetermine what we want” from the Book of Possibilities and declare that to the Universe!

And the Universe will come back with an answer to your request. You don’t have to think excessively or worry on how that is going to happen. You just RELEASE that request to the Universe and TRUST the Universe or One Source/The Creator will come back with an answer.

And that answer is always in your favor ;)! The answer might not sometimes be the one you asked for. But BELIEVE that the Universe has given you a better answer than the one you originally asked for.

Here is the video of Marisa Peer recounting her story about generating positivity through the β€œI AM ENOUGH” mantra: Β https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lw3NyUMLh7Y.

TIP #4:Β  Move forward with CONVICTION!

Okay, this 4th tip is very important – at least to me because it works all the time ;). While you’re waiting for the Universe to come back with an answer or grant your request, YOU NEED TO MOVE FORWARD ALWAYS!

What do I mean by that? It means you must do something that advances yourself every day. It means you’re not going to just sit there 24/7 and wait for that answer from the Universe to happen.

It could be as simple as cleaning up your room, rearranging the furniture so you can work, eat and sleep better. It can also be contributing your time to teaching kids from an orphanage some computer skills or even how to sew a doily.

Or, if your desire is to get an ideal job, you can start researching online what kind of jobs you’d like to have. Or study a new skill like how to Photoshop or how to do social media marketing. Most of the time, there are free tutorials or classes online to teach these skills. Take advantage of those opportunities, especially when you don’t have much to spend yet.

The idea is to keep moving forward and feeling that you’ve accomplished something, even if it isn’t directly related to what you desire. The positive energy you generated from that activity will propel you to your desired goal.


Once you receive your answer from the Universe and it is everything you have ever asked for, PAY THE FAVOR FORWARD! Help others attain their dreams and their needs also by sharing with them these techniques and your personal experiences.

Remember:Β  if you also manage to uplift their situation or enlighten them on how to go about achieving their dreams, you also receive blessings and positive energies from these people. Your positive intentions become an endless cycle of positive circumstances and energies for a lot of people, including yourself.

Namaste :)!


Future topic:Β  Is it really possible to combine a thriving Career with a Mission to be a Lightworker?

What is a Lightworker and How Can You Be Sure You are One?


β€œTo be a star, you must shine your own light, follow your own path, and not worry about the darkness!”

At first, I intended to use one of those online textbook definitions of what a β€œlightworker” is. You know, one who has been β€œcalled to serve others first before oneself”. One who is vibrating at a β€œhigh frequency” which means this can only happen if one is thinking positively and do not or are less inclined to harbor negative thoughts, emotions and plans – no matter if they are executed or not.

These negative emotions and thoughts include fear, anger, sadness, envy, despair, negative thinking, etc. By constantly thinking and feeling this way, we are not helping ourselves to become effective lightworkers.

So what exactly is a lightworker? Well, a lightworker has all those qualities I mentioned earlier – vibrating at a high frequency, thinking of others first before themselves, serving others before themselves, etc.

But for me, a lightworker is predominantly focused on linking and focusing on FAMILY.

What FAMILY? The FAMILY OF LIGHTWORKERS? How about those people who have been on the wrong side of the tracks all the time – the burglars, drug addicts, swindlers, murderers, haters, rumor-mongers – even the perpetrators of World Domination like the Illuminati or members of the New World Order? Aren’t they FAMILY as well?

Actually, THEY ARE ;).

This realization sank into me a long time ago but only got resurrected today, while I was trying to think of a SIMPLER WAY of explaining what a lightworker is to my readers.

Sometimes in our journey to become the lightworkers that we are, inherently and divinely, we sometimes engage in this CLASSIFICATION GAME, for lack of a better word. We tend to separate and put the GOOD GUYS in our basket of goodies, and the BAD GUYS, or what we perceive to be bad eggs into our basket of spoiled and rotten eggs and tomatoes.

People who take in drugs – BAD GUYS. People who rescue cats and dogs from the streets and take them in as their home pets – GOOD GUYS. People who donate money to charities – GOOD GUYS! People who swindle their neighbor of 3k dollars – VERY BAD GUYS!

I know, I used to do this since when I was a child – because my mother used to teach me to separate the BAD EGGS from the GOOD EGGS. So I ended up not socializing with the β€œbad eggs”.

Well when I started on my path to become a GOOD LIGHTWORKER, I was taught that ALL OF US ARE CONNECTED under ONE CREATOR or ONE SOURCE. So that Illuminati guy and the guy who swindled you of 3k dollars – they’re all connected to us!

It doesn’t mean I can’t see or that I forgot his badness and negativity and whatever negative thing he did to me! It just means that DESPITE THE NEGATIVITY and THE BADNESS, he is still connected to ME.

Deep down, when we remove the fluff, all BAD PEOPLE, EVEN BAD BEINGS, come from The Creator or One Source. They just have a different path to take. Or perhaps, they are still finding the RIGHT PATH TO TAKE AND FOLLOW.

And that is where you, as a LIGHTWORKER comes in. Lightworkers know that they must have lots of patience to see and understand the TRUE MEANING OF REALITY. To lift the veil and TRULY SEE that all of us are CONNECTED UNDER THE BIG, BRIGHT SUN.

That, I believe, is the most important characteristic of a LIGHTWORKER.

Now if that BAD GUY or GAL is a member of your family – as in your biological family – well, that is one challenge to tackle ;)! I’m saying that you might have to exert more effort to FORGIVE that family member who is putting the ante on you, or seems to be sending daggers to your heart for forgetting them because of your lightworking commitments.

In this instance, PATIENCE AND UNDERSTANDING are qualities that a lightworker should develop. There is no going around it, especially when your OWN FAMILY actually is the one giving you all the problems, including the heartache, the pushovers and the negative feedback or lack of encouragement in your lightworking mission.

Do not be disheartened! Just keep on telling yourself that you are doing this for HUMANITY, and not just for your BIOLOGICAL FAMILY ;). One of the really helpful advice regarding family members that do not see eye-to-eye with your lightworking mission is encapsulated in this video by fellow lightworker Ralph Smart: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KlojQWVhc_U.

Okay, so now that you have found your definition of a Lightworker, how do you know if lightworking is for you? Or, in other words, how do you know if that is your LIFE PURPOSE?

It’s not that easy to figure out though. Sometimes you will have to β€œcross the fire”, forego a few creature comforts – like packing up, leaving the city and living in the mountains – or being ridiculed by close colleagues, best friends and family members.

Personally, I found that lightworking is really my LIFE PURPOSE or what I have been sent to do here on Terra (Earth). There is a period of self-discovery. Sometimes you just accidentally realize that you’re a lightworker.

It’s that almost imperceptible nudge that sends you in the right direction. For instance, in my case, I used to be very steeped in the corporate world, as I said, generating lots of money for my Bosses. But after the fame and the not so perceptible fortune ;), you get tired of the usual money-generating activities – because the ones you are generating for seemed not to get satisfied with the wealth that you have generated for them!

And then you realize that MONEY is not the root of happiness – no matter what it enables you to do. No matter how much you generate to put into charity somewhere. Still and the most important thing is that YOU, yes YOU are inherently and placidly HAPPY with what you are doing everyday from your source of income.

Sometimes and most of the time, you get inspired by somebody else – and that person is also a LIGHTWORKER! In my case, I got into the right company and met my Mentor – who also introduced me to my Other Mentors.

And since lightworkers seem to gravitate to each other, you can be assured that you will find your TRIBE OF LIGHT in no time. All you need is A LOT OF POSITIVE THOUGHTS, one of which is that YOU WILL FIND YOUR TRIBE OF LIGHT, YOUR SOUL FAMILY SOON ;)!

Trust me :)!

Do you agree with me? Let me know what you think by sharing your comments in the section below.


It’s Never Too Late to be Grateful

It's never too late to be grateful for even the simplest, most mundane things in life!
It’s never too late to be grateful for even the simplest, most mundane things in life!

Sometimes, I get my daily inspiration from the most unlikeliest places – from a pair of black, thrifted leather sandals ;).

I bought this pair of strappy sandals with a 1 Β½ inch heel about a year ago. The design was really classy. Β It cost me only US$1.50 but one of the straps was missing, so I had to have that replaced as well. In other words, the repair cost me more than the price but the leather was so good and the design was just up my alley that I bought it anyway.

But, because of being on the shelf in that dusty thrift store for some time, the leather became tough and a bit brittle. It was a pain to use because one of my pinky toes was being snuffed on the side by the leather thong that was part of the design. And so I shelved it for a time.

And then, a year after I bought it, I realized it just needed a bit of leather conditioner ;). Berating myself for not thinking about that from the very start, I started conditioning the leather at least once a week or once every 2 weeks. The leather softened.

Today, I suddenly had the urge to wear it and voila, the leather didn’t cut into my toes anymore!

And for that, I was VERY GRATEFUL :).

My message in today’s post is that sometimes, it takes a while for us to realize and be grateful for the things we have. In fact, sometimes, we get even haughty or narcissistic. We tell ourselves that we deserve this accolade or we deserve only the best because β€œwe’re so good, we earned it, we have the right to have it, etc.”.

We forget that sometimes, we got that β€œblessing” because of others who helped us attain it. Or we got that promotion or that new lease in life because of some β€œdivine intervention” ;).

And so I don’t want to think that way anymore. I just want to be grateful for what I have and be thankful for that. And be thankful for the people who helped me attain whatever I have right now :).

So today, I’m going to write via Facebook to those I β€œforgot” to be grateful for and personally thank them for not just being part of my life but also enriched and blessed it πŸ˜‰ !

2017 is the Year of New Beginnings. What are you grateful for now?

P.S: Apologies for β€œdisappearing” these past few months. I do intend to be more visible and post more frequently this 2017 πŸ˜‰ . Happy New Year of the Rooster πŸ™‚Β  !

Empowerment – What is in it for me?

An "empowered individual" has more leverage to do more good things not just for himself but for others as well.
An “empowered individual” has more leverage to do more good things not just for himself but for others as well.

It’s been 1 year since I started writing this blog;). And yet, I still make slip-ups occasionally – one of which is that I assume my readers can easily see and understand my point of view;). Very bad indeed – har har!

In the early days of blogging, which was sometime more than 10 years ago, people blog more for themselves and share it with others, mostly friends, colleagues and immediate family members. There was an occasional ad or two that appears on the side of your blog – but that was it.

There was no SEO! People blogged for the fun of it – as a way to announce to the world that you went to this event or birthday party or political rally – and you write about it so you can share your opinions with other like-minded individuals.

There was no stress to blog and worry if you’re not getting at least 1 hit from a prospective reader interested on your blog.

Times have changed since then. But how is this connected with my topic right now – Empowerment?

I mention the blogging craft and world because more than 10 years ago, people felt empowered just to be able to blog – and blog freely without being censored or concerned that ads take up the upper half of your page and your blog text almost cannot be read below the header.

We were and still are an empowered multitude.

This is the reason why I blog incessantly up to now – so others can be empowered with the knowledge or the info that I bring to you guys ;)!

I recently had a conversation with one of my higher dimensional friends, an Archangel who is also one of my mentors/advisers. I asked my friend the question on whether my writing about the Rs and the nefarious things that their minions on Earth are doing were driving people away from the truth and my blog rather than enlightening them.

And so the conversation went something like this:

Shamana: Sir U, do you think my writing about the Rs are driving people away from the truth – and my blog as well? You see, I remember an incident when I decided to talk about the existence of the Rs to some close friends/colleagues of mine. They ended up looking at me as a nut caseL. One of them even referred to me as sick (in the head?) L.

Sir U: There will always be those who cannot or will not accept the truth Shamana. But the important thing is, say your truth and let them decide for themselves whether to accept it or not. Everyone is entitled to the truth but not everyone can accept or appreciate its worth. This means, the people or souls who are β€œdestined” to be awakened because of hearing the truth or info you disseminate will be the ones to benefit from it and will act accordingly to the info they receive.

Shamana: So I don’t have to do anything more than deliver the info and not worry whether the info sinks in or they pooh-pooh it away?

Sir U: Exactly! But it also depends on how you deliver the info (he winks!). You must understand that the instinctive reaction of most 3D humans to negative and unpalatable info is to dismiss it as something that a quack person would propagate. So sometimes, it is up to you to β€œpropagate” the info in such a way that it doesn’t turn off the person.

Shamana: I see. Honestly, I don’t want to be the bringer of bad tidings, e.g. humans’ DNA manipulation by the Rs, governments run by the Illuminati, etc. L. So it’s been pretty challenging to package the info in such a way that the average layman can not only understand it but also appreciate the relevance of the info to their lives.

Any suggestions to cushion the impact Sir U;)?

Sir U: Shamana, we are not here in this world to spoonfeed humans with what they are supposed to do to generate a better world for themselves and their descendants. Each Terran human has a β€œwill” and a soul purpose to be here even before they’re born. Each human is entitled to the feeding and growing of his soul and how to make the most of his/her life on Terra Earth.

And that’s why it is very important to find your β€œsoul’s purpose”. As a Divine Being on Terra, the soul’s purpose is basically β€œto help or service others”. Some 3D humans find their soul’s purpose early in life and some find it later in their lives. And some do not find it at all in this current existence.

So make the most of your soul’s purpose. In this current existence, many souls are incarnating on 3D Terra to help raise the frequency of the planet and its inhabitants. It is the next step of Terran humanity’s evolution to go to a higher dimensional plane and a higher purpose – that is, to basically service others first before themselves.

Shamana: So Sir U, you are saying that the only way to go is ASCEND?

Sir U: Yes but not with us dragging everybody into the 5th dimension. That is a decision to be made by EVERY SOUL that incarnates on Terra Earth. We just help in the transition by disseminating the truth and helping those who cannot help themselves ;). Other than that, it is basically every person’s decision to ASCEND.

Shamana: Isn’t that a formidable task for every soul to ascend?

Sir U: No more difficult than a child eating ice cream from a traveling ice cream cart ;). No, it all depends on each person’s destiny.

Shamana:Β  How can we jumpstart the ASCENSION PROCESS?

Sir U: Work on yourself 1st before everybody else ;). Strive to do good for others. Be less self-centered. Not that you forget to take care of yourself and your soul. Clean your house first before helping others clean theirs.

Watch out for your EGO; it always tries to protect the I before the WE, and tries to justify its correctness before anything else. Share what you have with others, and I’m not just referring to tangible things. Even allocating a certain percentage of your time to help someone be happy is enough to raise your frequency to a higher level.

Above all else, appreciate and be thankful for what you have right now.

These are the things that may jumpstart the Ascension Process. It may not be an exhaustive list but it contains the tenets of what is initially important that you need to do to start on the path of ASCENSION.

Shamana: So, I don’t have to worry if no one is reading my blog?

Sir U: Nope. Because if they are destined to read and benefit from reading it, then they will find you, whatever happens. Just as easy as when we found you ;).

End of Part I!


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