“A Tribute to a Fellow Lightworker and to All Lightworkers on Terra”

I don’t normally write about personal things about other people, unless by doing so, it would help me accomplish my mission of enlightening people about “raising their awareness of the true nature of 3D reality”, thus increasing their personal vibrational frequency (this can be a topic of another blog post; if you’d like to know the basics of this concept, check my previous blog post here: https://shamanainthemaking.wordpress.com/2015/12/26/our-holographic-universe-and-the-truth-about-3d-reality/ ).

Well, that was a mouthful ;)! But I wanted to tell you all about the tragedy that has befallen my fellow paranormal blogger and “soul sister” Sheila Renee Parker :).

It was only a few days ago when I saw the blog post of Sheila, recounting her long-term battle with chronic pain and fibromyalgia, mainly because it was “Fibromyalgia Awareness Day” last May 12, 2021.

Sheila was one of the first few, early subscribers to my blog way back when I started blogging about my paranormal and esoteric exploits in 2015. At that time, she was already famous in the paranormal world and had written and interviewed quite a lot of paranormal investigators whom she featured in her own blog, “Sheila Renee Parker”.

Like any paranormal writer and blogger, the range of topics in her blog were written in a short, interesting narrative. Sheila, who is also an empath and a sensitive like me, was pretty lucky to have encountered a lot of spirits and other-dimensional entities who were really either kind or horrible to her.

Anyway, let’s just say that her blog was one of the first blogs that I was lucky enough to subscribe to – and be followed too J!

So it’s really a shock and a bit sad to know that Sheila, unknown to many like myself, has been battling constant pain and a host of other chronic diseases as well – the latest of which is fibromyalgia (see her blog post on that here: https://sheilareneeparker.com/2021/05/13/fibromyalia-awareness/ ).

I am not an expert on fibromyalgia. I just know it is a disease involving chronic pain L.

I have never thought that Sheila would be carrying this problem for some time. I myself, have been subjected to constant bouts of pain through seemingly unforeseen accidents – which I believe are not truly accidental at all! I went through 3 vehicular accidents in the past 10 years, as I have blogged about it several times – and I can’t tell you the pain, fear, and uncertainty that I had to endure every time I was unlucky to experience one.

And every time I had to go through some sickness and pain generated by an accident, I managed to bounce back on my own J.

Recovery is almost instantaneous when you know what to do. But for now, I want to mention this incident with Sheila because I firmly believe lightworkers, like herself, are constantly being targeted by dark forces and entities that are part of this illusionary “Matrix” that we are in.

More importantly and as I have blogged before, these dark entities – you can call them Reptilians, Archons, Rs, the Lizard people, etc. – have a predilection for inflicting pain and suffering to those who want to do good, mainly lightworkers. This pain and suffering they inflict on us are consumed by these entities (it actually is like a drug to them).

And then these people who are tormented by the Archons also passes on this pain and suffering to other people – and the cycle of pain and suffering continues.

It is not a pretty thought to be carrying especially in difficult times such as these. Especially when we are in the midst of “constant pain”, which could be not just physical but mental and emotional in nature. It is true what Sheila said in her blog — that sometimes it is difficult “to be positive” when you have to face the same scenario and pain every day.

But, there is a way out of the pain – and I have blogged about it in several occasions here: https://shamanainthemaking.wordpress.com/2019/07/09/gratitude-is-your-defense-against-the-dark-side/ and here: https://shamanainthemaking.wordpress.com/2019/09/17/tips-to-deflect-psychic-attacks-against-you/  . In fact, I nearly became a casualty of covid – or a sickness similar to covid just slightly more than 2 weeks ago!

All I did – as taught to me by my benevolent, higher dimensional mentors — was program this “positivity” in my subconscious mind, and be constantly aware that “this sickness is not covid!”.

Then I started fervently reciting my Tibetan Buddhist Sanskrit mantras and taking my rock salt, pepper, and cinnamon baths; drinking lots of warm ginger tea, and gargling with warm water mixed with rock salt as an alternative anti-covid, herbal/all-natural remedy.

After 5 days (exactly at 5 pm on the 5th day), my fever subsided and my itchy throat disappeared.

The point is we must not lose hope about being able to outlive or outgrow our sicknesses. Because we certainly CAN — as soon as we learn the nature of The Matrix that we are in and how to maneuver through it. And once we know the nature of that Matrix, we can realize that everything happening to us is just an “illusion”, and that we can, after some time, banish that illusion from our 3D reality, possibly also permanently.

Sheila dear, hang in there J! This sickness of yours and all the others will also come to pass in due time J!

Want to know more tips on “creating your own reality the way you want it ;)”?

Write to me so I can address your questions personally J! In the meantime, keep safe, keep healthy, and remain loving and in love with your own person. That is a very effective way to getting us out of danger or eliminate problems in this Matrix that we are in ;)!

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